Having Fun With Numbers Can Boost Both Grades And Self-Confidence

A new downloadable booklet written by a teacher, "Fun with Numbers: Turn Children on to Math" (AnswerGirls $1) gives fun math shortcuts and magic tricks to amaze friends and teachers. This booklet is available exclusively from www.AnswerGirls.co

When a child excels in one special area-his or her own "area of expertise"-remarkable transformations in self-esteem have been known to occur. While that "area" could be anything from roller-blading to knot-tying, one easy and fun way for children ages 8 to 12 to shine is by learning a couple of special number tricks or techniques.

You'll find number tricks and techniques in a new down-loadable booklet from www.AnswerGirls.com. Written by a teacher, "Fun with Numbers: Turn Children on to Math" (AnswerGirls $1) teaches fun math shortcuts and magic tricks that will amaze friends and teachers. The author shared the following thoughts on how math skills help a child.

"A little self-confidence can help a child excel at any skill, and math is no exception. From there, it's an easy leap to excellence in other subjects.

Who wouldn't be impressed by a person of any age who knows the names of lots of very large numbers, like decillion, octodecillion, or googol? Then there's one that's SO enormous there isn't enough room in the world to write all its zeroes! It's called a googolplex."

"Fun with Numbers: Turn Children on to Math" also includes two nifty number tricks, instructions for counting to ten in four different languages, "Number-abilia" trivia, and more. It's a fun booklet that gives children a way to impress and earn respect among peers.

To discover how to make math more fun download "Fun with Numbers: Turn Children on to Math". A companion booklet, "How to Raise Self-Confident Children" ($1), may also be downloaded at www.AnswerGirls.com/family1.html.