Harold Camping and the Latest Judgment Day Hype - May 21, 2011

Preterist View Challenges Two-Time Default Prophet Harold Camping's Latest Prediction of an Imminent Judgment Day Scheduled For May 21, 2011.

William Bell


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Will Harold Camping's End of the World Prediction Happen on May 21, 2011?

Memphis, Tennessee - 09/03/2011 - William Bell, M. Th., President of AllThingsFulfilled.Com, author of The ReExamination, A Critique of Futurist Eschatology, The Last Days DVD Series and Will Planet Earth Be Destroyed?, available at Amazon.com calls into question the alleged end of the world cited for May 21, 2011 by Harold Camping of FamilyRadio.Com

In 1992, Mr. Camping wrote a book that alleging the end the world would occur in September 1992, then wrote another book in 1994, entitled "Are You Ready?" saying that the world could end that same year. However, as time revealed, it did not occur.

William Bell is co-host with Don K. Preston, of the ever growing in popularity internet radio broadcast, Two Men and The Bible, which airs each Tuesday at 7pm Eastern on AD70.net, hosted by Michael Loomis. These men are proponents of the Preterist view of eschatology, which they believe is a more balanced and sensible view that speaks of the end of the age in AD70 versus the end of the planet in our day.

Mr. Preston, President of Preterist Research Institute (PRI)has authored over 18 very popular titles on eschatology including The Last Days Identified, and a preterist commentary on 1 Thessalonians 4,"We Shall Meet Him In The Air, The Wedding of the King of Kings. His websites are Eschatology.org and BibleProphecy.com.

Recently, he challenged Mr. Camping to an open public discussion on the timing of the End of the World, which challenge has gone unanswered at the time of this writing.

Mr. Preston held several eschatology debates with end time icons Dr. Thomas Ice, Dr. James Jordan, Dr. Randall Price and many others.

William Bell recently submitted a request to the Huffington Post via their blog in response to their coverage of Camping's national Caravan Campaign to alert many around the country of this alleged imminent end requesting the Post to cover a counterpoint to Mr. Camping's view.

Bell and Preston take a more conservative view of the end time. They see the end times events as having already occurred thus making the claims of Harold Camping and his national Caravan all the more untenable.

According to the Bible, these two men believe that Jesus predicted his coming within the very same generation in which he lived and died. They cite many texts such as Matthew 16:28 and 24:34. Christ spoke of his return saying "Assuredly this generation would by no means pass away until all these things take place."

Accordingly, if Jesus predicted his return in the within the lifetime of his contemporaries in the first century generation, i.e. before they all died, then the second coming is past. Therefore, all future dates of the end of the world are speculative, misleading and deceptive.

Unfortunately, the uninformed fall prey to such fanaticism and zeal and eventually lose heart when these predictions fail. Christianity receives the backlash of incredulity as though these predictions are Bible based. May 21st, 2011 will come and go as any other day and become another blot on the historic page of failed prophetic predictions.

The Preterist paradigm continues to grow in popularity and will one day change forever the modern landscape of futurist prophecy.


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