Habitu8 Marches Into 2019 Feeling Groovy After Being Named Gartner 'Vendor to Note' in Security Awareness

The industry love-story continues as Habitu8 earns the coveted spot, landing on this industry-defining report of who to watch.

Habitu8, the security awareness training startup that is disrupting the market, has been listed as a Vendor to Note on Gartner, Inc.'s latest release of its industry-defining Magic Quadrant for Security Awareness Computer-Based Training.

Habitu8 entered the market late last year with a mission to change the industry. The ripple effects since its launch are clear: content is king. Companies of all sizes are confirming the desire for high-quality, high production value video content to train employees by investing heavily into those resources.

The industry is recognizing the bet we've been making: content is king in security awareness. When we have research firms like Gartner supporting those with statements like content is the number one differentiator among vendors, that signals a change is coming. Habitu8 is poised to take off like a rocket this year with what we've got up our sleeves.

Jason Hoenich, Chief Product Officer, Habitu8

Some people have been saying that Habitu8 has the best content on the planet. Gartner seems to be noticing.

Gartner's iconic report makes a few key statements about the industry:

  1. "Content continues to be the most prominent differentiator." Habitu8 is continually recognized as the industry-best content in the space.
  2. CISOs "should resist basing their vendor evaluations solely on technical/functional requirements...materials are the touch-point of the security department for the rest of the organization. As such, ensuring that the tone, production value, and overall look and feel...are a good match for your specific organization is fundamental to success." We couldn't agree more, this is why we created our amazing video series Hashtag Awareness.
  3. If the solution "does not have content and an interface that is as good as or better than anything else...other vendors should be evaluated." 

    Think about the quality of the content your employees and coworkers are used to seeing on sites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or YouTube. They expect a high-quality experience because that is what they get everywhere else.

    Does your current training match up to those standards? Habitu8's does. We're living in a world where streaming videos from sites like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon are the norm. Expectations are high.

Gartner specifically took an opportunity to comment on the industry-buzz around gamification, noting that clients are used to experiences like PlayStation 4 & Xbox and they "quickly realize that the security awareness gamified content is nowhere near that level of sophistication."

This is a very powerful statement on what Habitu8 believes is a "buzzword product" as well. Until vendors are able to provide an experience for the user nearly identical to that of a true gaming experience, content is where it's at.

Habitu8 Founder & CPO Jason Hoenich agrees with this completely: "It is easy to get caught up in the latest industry buzzwords, gamification being the leader of them. I have yet to see anything in the form of gamification that does the experience justice in a way that I would have used it at companies like Disney, Activision Blizzard (both of which have foundations in the gaming world), or Sony Pictures when I was managing those programs. We have a long way to go for what is really a boutique experience that often won't scale beyond technical teams."

Habitu8 is closing out its first full year with stellar sales performance attributed to a high-quality flagship product and incredible brand recognition. This along with a product roadmap and vision that will turn the industry on its head means Habitu8 has investors lining up. More to come on that in the near future...

Check out Habitu8's content today to see what all the hubbub is about.

Media Contact: 
Jason Hoenich 
Email: info@habitu8.

Source: Habitu8

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About Habitu8

Habitu8 helps companies build effective security awareness programs using our engaging training videos and proven strategy.

21250 Hawthorne Blvd, Suite 700 , #Suite 700
Torrance, CA