Habitat Affiliates and Students Will Give Gov. Cuomo a Signed Door, With This Message:
Online, March 14, 2011 (Newswire.com) - WHAT: 18 college students and Habitat for Humanity affiliates from across New York State gather in Albany this week to urge Governor Cuomo and State Legislators to:
• Increase funding for affordable housing
• Repeal vacancy decontrol and renew state rent laws
• Ensure that 10% of the state's portion of the National Housing Trust Fund is allotted to affordable homeownership
At 9 am on March 15, students will erect a house door on the north end of the Empire State Concourse. New Yorkers will be invited to sign the door, showing their support for affordable housing initiatives.
At 3:45 pm, students and advocates will carry the signed door to Governor Cuomo's office and ask him to support measures to protect and increase affordable housing in New York State.
WHEN: Tuesday, March 15
3:45 pm
WHERE: Governor's Office
2nd Floor
Capitol Building
This is part of the annual Advocacy in Albany, a weeklong event sponsored by Habitat for Humanity of New York State, which represents 53 Habitat affiliates across the state. Throughout the week, college students will learn how government works and will meet with elected officials to advocate for more funds and better affordable housing policies.
VISUALS: Students will present Gov. Cuomo with a door, signed by Habitat volunteers and supporters, advocating for affordable housing.