H.S.H.Princess Bagration-Moukhransky and "Russian Business and Investment Club" announced strategic partnership for "Young Socially Responsible Entrepreneur " project.

The inaugural "Russian Seasons" event held by "Russian Business and Investment Club" under the high patronage of H.S.H.Princess Karina Bagration-Moukhransky brought together business and social leaders to support a charitable project.

Principality of Monaco:The inaugural "Russian Seasons" event held by "Russian Business and Investment Club" under the high patronage of H.S.H.Princess Karina Bagration-Moukhransky brought together distinguished business leaders, investors, politicians and social figures of the Principality and all five continents. The club 's president, Mrs.Karina Talanceva chaired the event. She opened the meeting which was the first of a few the Club is planning to organize.

H.S.H.Princess Karina Bagration-Moukhransky, who was not able to attend in person, wrote a moving address for the opening ceremony offering her full support.

During the meeting, the launching of "Young Socially Responsible Entrepreneur of the Year" project, the joint initiative of "Russian Business and Investment Club" and H.S.H.Princess Karina Bagration-Moukhransky was announced.

It is a joint project that would help to change young lives though supporting and encouraging new, innovative, socially responsible business initiatives coming from post-soviet space. It aims at giving communication and useful networking, targeting real aims of young entrepreneurs, assisting in developing key workplace skills such as self-confidence, trust, inter-cultural tolerance and motivation.

H.S.H.Princess Karina Bagration-Moukhransky, the head of the Project commented: "There are millions of young people coming from former USSR countries who, with the world economic crises, have very little chance for international education, employment or training in their own countries. These are the ones we aim to help".

The event was supported and sponsored by"Businessmanconfidential" online magazine, "Didier Piero Couture"," MontBlanc", "Jet Estate", "Home Driver", "Gremillet"," Les Domaines du Lac",( By Appointment to H.S.H.Prince Albert II of Monaco),"Fouquet's Barriere","Danielle de Winter"," Code Dimplomatique ", "Armagnac Joy Selection", "Homes Overseas" ,"Ideel", "Woolings","The July 16",Gallery,"Opera Gallery", and many others.

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