Guyana Online News, Georgetown Guyana And Guyana Hotels All In The Nation's Newest Web Portal,

Showcasing the best of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, was created to offer relevant news and information for the country's residents and visitors.

Centuries ago, the forces of nature came together and created the South American continent. The Earth's fascinating movement resulted in the formation of a land with imposing rock formations and outstanding mountain ranges, with a maze of volumes of water in forms of waterfalls, great rivers, rivulet, and creeks crisscrossing the entire landscape. The land came to be known as Guyana. was recently launched as a resource for relevant information about the country of Guyana and its capital, Georgetown. Home to factual data about Guyana, the website notes that the country became independent from Britain in 1966 and a "Cooperative Republic" in 1970. Its current leaders are President Bharat Jagdeo and Prime Minister Samuel Hinds. contains news and updates about Georgetown Guyana and its events, and doubles as an online resource for tourists who want to know about the country. Taking visitors to an online tour of the nation, features the country's finest in terms of Guyana hotels, businesses, attractions, shopping, music and travel. The website is also filled with photos and videos showing the nation's latest news, topography, architecture, festivals and celebrations.

According to, the Co-operative Republic of Guyana borders Venezuela to the West, Brazil to the South, and Suriname to the East. It has approximately 751,223 citizens, of which 90% live along the coastal strip and banks of the three major rivers. The ethnic composition of the population include East Indians, Africans, Amerindians and mixed. The only English-speaking country in South America, the people of Guyana speak the language with a Caribbean Creole flavor. highlights Georgetown, the capital of Guyana, which is akin to a place in fairy tales with its tree-lined streets and avenues, with quaint Dutch colonial and Victorian architecture stemming from its days as Dutch and English colonies.

Individuals interested to learn about Guyana should check out and experience the rich culture and beauty of the South American nation.

About Georgetown Guyana
