Grace Century Celebrates Its 6th Anniversary

Grace Century, a private equity firm specializing in the healthcare sector, recently completed 6 full years in United Arab Emirates.

​Grace Century, an international Research and Private Equity Company based out of Ras Al Khaimah, U.A.E., has celebrated its sixth anniversary of business, researching and vetting healthcare projects, and specifically companies in  regenerative medicine for its group of Members. Now entering its seventh year, the firm was founded on the principal that “start-ups” had little-to-no access to capital post the Great Recession of 2008, minimal knowledge or infrastructure for overseas international expansion, and often experienced difficulties finding the time to interact with their investors. Likewise, Angel Investors faced challenges in conducting in-depth due diligence into opportunities, and were often reliant on any offer that a targeted project was willing to make. Finally, Angel Investors wanted and needed a constant flow of information on the progress of projects that they are involved with. Filling these knowledge gaps for both start-ups and Angel Investors alike was the core principle upon which Grace Century was established.

Project selection

"We are proud of what we have built, and are thankful to have an incredible group of Members who share our vision of not only capital accumulation, but being involved with exciting and innovative firms"

Scott Wolf, President and Director of Research, Grace Century

Grace Century has accepted only two projects in its entire history, which were considered meeting all the firms’ criteria for their idea of a “game changing” project. This is the result of 100’s of projects submitted, researched, and vetted.

Scott Wolf, CEO of Grace Century comments “In contrast to many firms that deal in this sector, we have chosen only two projects. When a project is chosen, the Members act as a group to leverage the most favourable negotiated terms; Grace spearheads this. We have an activist approach and help our projects in every aspect of business. This includes marketing, expansion, and oversight. Other “competitors” accept that there will be losing companies, i.e. firms that fail, within their portfolio and operate on an overall portfolio performance. This means they expect a percentage will be successful but some will fail. We have chosen to wait, in an attempt to avoid wasted effort and capital, until we find the best mix of management, innovation, and scalability”. Wolf adds “ the term ‘competitor’ is probably a loose adjective to describe other firms operating in our broad field of business, as I really don’t feel anyone does what we do or with the level of commitment we make.”

Chosen projects

Presently, Grace Century has been working with a “Cloud- Based” healthcare IT firm specializing in Electronic Medical Records (EMR). EMR has been mandated in the United States, but in reality is seen as a global issue. Wolf comments “Most EMR platforms have been built off of outdated legacy software models. What is mandated and needed is a cloud-based solution where every healthcare provider and every patient has real time data, whenever and wherever they are. Healthcare is the last industry to embrace information technology, and this has to and will change”.

The firm has the highest certification of MU2 (Meaningful Use) and holds 12 U.S. patents.

Grace Century’s second project is in Stem Cell / Bio banking and regenerative medicine, a segment they believe represents the future of the healthcare industry. True to Grace Century’s model of new industries or what the firm perceives as “game-changing’ technologies well before being accepted or even known by the general public, Stem Cells are being heavily researched by virtually every major bio-medical firm and university in the world today. It is widely believed that the power of using autologous (one’s own body) Stem Cells are the key to everything from curing diseases, repairing the body after accidents, and even re-growing body parts.

Scott Wolf concludes “We are proud of what we have built, and are thankful to have an incredible group of Members who share our vision of not only capital accumulation, but being involved with exciting and innovative firms”

About Grace Century, FZ LLC 
Grace Century FZ LLC is an International research and private equity consultancy located in Ras Al Kamiah, (north of Dubai) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Grace Century specializes in “game-changing” life science and health related private equity projects.

For portfolio or company information please email or call +971 (0)7 206 8851

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Source: Grace Century

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