Get Buff With the Jersey Shore Workouts...Now That's a Situation
Online, February 1, 2011 ( - Hey there..
I know they are the biggest party animals around but you gotta admit, the dude's on the Jersey Shore are jacked! Big guns, ripped abs and ditching all the grenades. Well it looks like you might be able to get abs like the situation or get a buff chest and arms like Pauly D. Check out this article from
How to Get Abs Like "The Situation" Brad Campbell
How can I have a Jersey Shore workouts theme on this blog without talking about the show's biggest and most outspoken star, Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino?
I can't.
Besides that, a lot of guys have have been emailing me, asking how to get abs like The Situation...
Honestly, there are endless ways of working out and dieting to achieve ripped abs, so I'm not going to list some end all, be all ab routine. At least not in this post.
What I want to break down today is a question I've been meaning to address for a while now...
And that has to do with performing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
So, to melt away that stubborn and freakin' unappealing belly blubber that we all struggle with... IS fasted state cardio superior?
Will early morning cardio make it quicker and easier to get abs like The Situation?
Yes, no, maybe so?
See the rest of the article click here.
It's me again...The article goes on to tell you how ya can lose that pesky stubborn fat by utilizing your diet and cardio at the right times. Now here's another Jerseylicious workout. Its about Ron's bicep workout. (Its from again)
Ronnie Workout Jersey Shore - "Get Big Biceps, Bro..."
Celebrity Fitness: Ronnie Workout Jersey Brad Campbell
When I first started watching season one of "Jersey Shore," my first thought was damn, those dudes are on 'roids for sure. Now, after watching season two ("Jersey Shore Miami"), I'm giving Ronnie, "The Situation" and Pauly D the benefit of the doubt.
Clearly, our boy Vinny is not on da juice (no offense, playboy).
Ronnie probably looks the most jacked out of all the guys, but in my research for this post, I discovered he's only 5'5″ and weighs around 220 lbs. He's pretty freakin' short and stocky. Plus, he's got good skin. None of that "backne" that most steroid users get.
Therefore, I'm saying he could be el natural (aka 'roid-free).
One thing's certain - Ronnie's got some killer guns. Notice how his biceps always seem to be formed, even when he's NOT at the gym, pre-club pumping, or listening to Sammi "Sweetheart" grill him about motor-boating some grenade?
That's cool.
And I'm sure most guys want to build big biceps just like our boy Ronnie. I mean, what fun is TEE-SHIRT TIME if you've got spaghetti arms dangling outta your $75 Ed Hardy?
It ain't.
It's important to have good arms. Even if you're going for the long and lean, more athletic type of look...
Your abs might be shredded like "The Situation" ...your hair might be guido-certified like Pauly D ...but nothing shows that you're committed to your fitness like a toned pair of bi's and tri's.
So let's talk about how to get some BIG guns like Ronnie from Jersey Shore...
If you're like most guys (especially ME), you probably struggle with building bigger biceps. That's why I'm not gonna give you some lame-ass "3 sets of 10 reps alternating dumbbell curls" BS...
Homey don't play that.
'Cuz it doesn't work. (at least not well...)
To really add substantial size to your biceps, I want you to STOP doing what you've been doing for the last 6 years - no more wussy isolation curls or back-swaying barbell curls...
It's time to focus on overloading the bi's via HEAVY compound movements done traditionally to train the back muscles. Only we're gonna make a few tweaks that'll make your biceps and forearms swell like "The Situation's" ego.
Here's my Ronnie workout - Jersey Shore - for ripped biceps that fill a 'Tee' up right...
Check out the rest of the fist pumping article click here...
Darren again. Hope you enjoyed those articles and can incorporate those into your workouts. Hopefully you can get some rockhard abs like the Situation and bigger arms to help you fist pump the nights away. And remember No grenades ;)
As always please let me know your thoughts and please share your thoughts on Facebook by clicking here.
If you want to see more muscle building articles and see the pictures for this article then check out my site here.
Talk soon,
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