Generous Donations From Dumas Employees Bring Alive The Spirit Of The Season
Online, January 10, 2012 ( - Dumas is very pleased to recognize the generosity of its employees in various locations across Canada and internationally, who have sponsored gifts and events for families in their areas. For example, this year thoughtful employees in Timmins raised $10,000 to buy Christmas gifts for 55 children, and the crew at the Yauliyacu mine site in Peru supplemented corporate donations to sponsor the year end celebration for children at the tiny village school.
In Timmins, the tradition started in 2008 when Dumas staff decided to rally together to help local underprivileged children. They contacted Child Family Services and collected enough money to buy Christmas gifts for 10 children. Over the years, the amount raised and number of children supported has grown. Last year, gifts were purchased for 30 children and Christmas dinner was sponsored for a whole family.
This year, organizers of the fundraiser issued a friendly challenge to Dumas crews working at the various mine sites. The crews at Lake Shore Gold's Timmins West Mine stepped up to win the challenge, raising $1,500 for the cause! All together, donations received from this crew, those at Northgate, Hoyle Pond, Kidd Creek, and Dome, as well as the Dumas office and maintenance facility totalled $10,000!
"The Dumas employees have been very thoughtful and committed to making these children's wishes come true," said Heidi Joron, Volunteer Coordinator at Child and Family Services of Timmins and District. "In some cases, these gifts are the only ones under the tree for these children. Receiving one or more gifts from their wish list will bring a great deal of smiles, excitement and happiness to them."
In addition to the gift fundraiser, the team at the Dumas maintenance facility in Timmins also led a food drive to collect 719 lbs of food, plus a $400 cash donation for the local food bank.
Further south, in Yauliyacu, Peru, Dumas is new to the community but was quick to respond when the small local school needed help. Employees chipped in to provide festive treats, gift bags, and entertainment for all the children.
"I am very proud of the way our employees have given so generously to help others in need at this time of year," said Greg Hart, Vice President. "It speaks volumes to their character and sense of community."