Futurist Jack Uldrich to Keynote 2015 Consumer Electronics Show

If a good futurist can’t see into the future, what then, can do they do?

Futurist Jack Uldrich says that’s a good, and fair question. He says, "The answer can be found in two simple statements. The first by an acclaimed science fiction writer and the second by a comedian."

To answer the question Uldrich first sites sci-fi writer William Gibson, author of Neuromancer: “'The future is already here–it’s just not very evenly distributed.' His point being that the trends shaping tomorrow are here today but, often, they are on the edge–or fringe–of society."

This brings Uldrich to the second answer which he leads into with a quote by the comedian Steven Wright. "Wright once quipped that he was a "'peripheral visionary'-- he could see the future, but only way off to the side.”

Uldrich says, "Wright was, of course, trying to be funny, but in reality he was close to identifying what makes a good futurist. The best futurists are those who can identify trends and technologies that are “way off to the side” today but will move from today’s periphery to tomorrow’s center."

On Tuesday, May 12th Uldrich will identify and share the latest technological trends that will be effecting the consumer electronics industry. Uldrich will keynote Ingram Micro Consumer Electronics 2015 Consumer Electronic Show being held in Phoenix, AZ.

Uldrich is the founder and “Chief Unlearning Officer” of The School of Unlearning — an international consultancy designed to assist organizations succeed tomorrow by unlearning today. He has served as an advisor to Fortune 1000 companies and has spoken to hundreds of businesses and organizations including ABB, Emerson, BCBS and Verizon Wireless. His upcoming speaking events include Thrivent Financial in Minneapolis and Bayer CropScience in Hamburg, Germany.

Parties interested in learning more about Uldrich, this event, his writing or speaking availability are encouraged to go to his website.

Source URL: http://prweb.com/releases/2015/05/prweb12707408.htm

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