Freelance Writing Website GhostWriter Dad Releases New Report Detailing Social Media Use Strategies For Professional Writers

GhostWriter Dad, a website dedicated to aiding professional writers, has released "How to Get Known in Social Media in only 15 Minutes a Day," a report for writers. The report provides guidance for writers who wish to use social networking to fu

GhostWriter Dad, a website devoted to helping good writers earn a great living, has released a free report on social media. "How To Get Known in Social Media in only 15 Minutes a Day" shares strategies that writers can use to efficiently take advantage of social networking.

The writers at GhostWriter Dad realize the importance of social media in today's world, especially for writers. Unfortunately, the world of social networking can be overwhelming and confusing.

According to the GhostWriter Dad website, "Social media may have changed the way writers like you do business, but if you don't get a handle on your daily schedule, social media will throw you from its back like a bucking bronco. Your needs are as unique as the life you live and the words that you write - you deserve a smart social media strategy that fits neatly into your busy life and individual needs."

"How to Get Known in Social Media in only 15 Minutes a Day" contains several sections, each covering a popular social networking website or type of website. Each section goes through 15 minutes worth of steps a writer can take on that website to further their careers.

The report gives strategies for many different websites and types of websites. Some examples are image sharing sites, blogs, forums, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

The report shares a number of strategies and steps in each section. The report discusses which social media sites that will most benefit a writer. The report also describes the type of content that a writer should put on their pages. The report shares tips and links for page creation.

"How to Get Known in Social Media in only 15 Minutes a Day" can currently be found online at The site requires the user to input their e-mail address to receive the free report.