Foto Ruta Buenos Aire Launches, Bringing A New Meaning To City Tour

Foto Ruta Buenos Aires, a new interactive city tour concept has been launched in Argentina's capital. Designed to encourage urban exploration and discovery through street photography and team work, Foto Ruta will host regular events in neighbourhoods

Developed by two photographers living in Buenos Aires, Foto Ruta looks to redefine the meaning of city tour, making the real Buenos Aires more accesible and enjoyable to explore, whilst encouraging people to embrace street photography and take photos they wouldnt nomally take
Participants will recieve a briefing on the neighbourhood and some creative photography tips before hitting the streets of the selected area in small teams. Armed with a map, clues and some local insights, the teams will capture the answers to their clues on camera using locations, props and themselves to create a set of images that document their journey.

Foto Ruta's inclusive nature makes its a great experience for anyone who enjoys exploring the city. From tourists to locals, experienced photographers, to people who dont even own a camera, Foto Ruta aims to help people uncover the real Buenos Aires and release their creativity.

Co-founder and amateur photographer Becky Hayes commented 'Foto Ruta was born through a love of Buenos Aires, a city with so much to offer but that is regularly underexplored by tourists and it's own inhabitants, who stick to the well trodden routes and sights. We developed Foto Ruta to make the city more accesible and help people uncover it's true beauty, grittiness and humor.'

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Professional photographer and director of Fuera Foto, Jocelyn Mandryk commented 'Foto Ruta hopes to put Buenos Aires on the map as an top-rated photographic destination. With its architectual diversity, european history, grit & glamour contrasts, and overwhelming accessibility to urban culture & people, there is an infitinity of themes and subjects to be explored through a lens. "French Photographer, Henri Cartier Bresson once said that your first 10,000 photographs are your worst."...I'd like to think a city like Buenos Aires cutts that number in half."

About Foto Ruta
