Five Things Older Siblings Can Do When the New Baby Arrives

The "" Tad and Kat Reeves, welcomed a new addition to the family this year and immediately faced the challenge—how to give the whole picture to the older kids age 4 and 6 so they understand that the baby has dramatically changed the family and their own roles have changed. This is their story of how they made this work.

​At some point along the line, kids need to be given the whole picture so they know what the family is all about, and how they fit in. This has never been so apparent as when having a new baby added to the family.   Kids, ever content to operate in their own worlds, now had a baby to deal with, and unfortunately, no bit of “explaining” before the baby could really prepare them for what it would mean to them.

Scientology Parent has referenced this amazing article on a child’s right to contribute many times on their site.  But this part of the article stands out especially now:

"How can a child possibly know what to contribute to you or his family or home if he hasn't any idea of the working principles on which it runs?" and then: "You can do nothing more than accept the smiles, the dances, the sticks of the very young. But as soon as a child can understand, he should be given the whole story of the family operation."

L. Ron Hubbard

“How can a child possibly know what to contribute to you or his family or home if he hasn’t any idea of the working principles on which it runs?” and then: You can do nothing more than accept the smiles, the dances, the sticks of the very young. But as soon as a child can understand, he should be given the whole story of the family operation.”  – L. Ron Hubbard

Taking care of a baby can be easy, and it can be stressful.  But with small children who haven’t been well genned-in on how they can contribute to the rest of the family, it can be infuriating.  

How is a 4-year-old boy meant to know about touchy subjects like “baby naptime and “don’t let the baby play with legos and “your baby sister isn’t a doll you can put in the Barbie Corvette,” unless you take the necessary time to explain, and show how they can help you with the family goal of growing a baby?

It can be heart-wrenching to see your normally-helpful little ones all dejected and sometimes even picking up destructive streaks, because they no longer have viable ways to be helpful in the family anymore.

So, we’ve had to gen the kids in not just on things not to do around the baby, but things they can do that absolutely help. 

Five things older kids can do to help with the new baby.

Here are five things they can do that will help.

1.  Changing diapers (which, of course being 4-6 year olds, both kids love dealing with particularly loaded diapers).

2.  Entertaining the baby while mommy works

3.  Picking out a sweet outfit for the baby

4.  Keeping the baby engaged during car rides

5.  Successfully helping get the baby down for a nap

And that has gone a long way toward keeping everyone happy and with a feeling that they’re all important contributors to the family’s future.

We would love to expand this list so if you have ideas to add to our five, please send fill out the form on our website, and we will expand the list from time to time to give families in similar circumstances additional ideas.​

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