Finally a safe haven for christians takes the internet by storm. Hats off to Paul Prince and Sharon Prince. offers a new age blog for all christians and their families. Paul Prince and Sharon Prince have officially launched the coolest new blog for christian outdoor recreation. This blog is great for families and for just anybody who likes to have pure clean outdoor fun. God created this earth with many beautiful places that peop0le need to go explore and enjoy. Paul Prince and Sharon Prince launched this blog so that people can have fun with christian outdoor recreation. The site is featuring articles on the best fishing holes, obtaining a fishing license, safe and beautiful places for people to camp, hike and take in all the beautiful places that the globe has to offer.

Paul Prince and Sharon Prince also set up stores on the site so if you need to take care of any of your outdoor gear or anything else it is readily available on the site. The sites shopping page is also very impressive offering thousands of products and vacation packages at remarkably low prices. This new blog is showcasing the newest concept in blogging.

Hats of to Paul Prince and Sharon Prince for their love of God and christian outdoor recreation. This is a great site for families, teens and children and is very safe and secure.

This has been a public service announcement from Paul Prince, Sharon Prince and christian outdoor recreation.