'Final Mile' Charity for Truck Drivers in Need

Albuquerque, August 8, 2015 (Newswire.com) - Many polling and data collection outlets will report that the Trucking Industry is one of the most dangerous. Every weather condition, every traffic scenario, a sedentary lifestyle, and many other factors indeed make Trucking a dangerous and even deadly profession.
The industry is hounded by regulation, comparative, stagnant medium level wages; hours, days, and even weeks away from home, basically living in the truck. Add pressure from shippers, receivers, and the companies dispatching the driver, a high turnover rate, and it's no wonder the trucking industry is currently in need of thousands of new drivers.
We are trying to answer that age old question in trucking. 'Honey, what if something happens while you're out on the road? What if something happens to me or the kids? How will you get home to us? How will WE get to YOU??' Hopefully, we will give the Families of Truckers some assurance that there is a place to get help.
Robert Palm, Founder
Each year, more than 800 Commercial Drivers will lose their lives in a collision. More than 20,000 will be injured severely enough to be transported from the scene by ambulance. What about non collision injuries? Falling freight, falling out of the truck, crush injuries, and more. Then there is the sudden onset medical issues. Heart attacks, strokes, emergency surgeries. What about the family at home? What if something was to happen to them?
truckersfinalmile.org was established to fill a void that becomes evident each day. Yes, there are companies that will go "all out" for every driver no matter the case. Then there are the companies that don't.
When a CDL holder dies on the road away from home, truckersfinalmile.org has a Program to provide immediate travel and lodging accommodations to next of kin as well as transportation of the drivers remains home.
There is also a Program for the seriously injured, as well as the emergency onset medical issues. And, should any Family member at the home suffer any of these crisis, a Program is available to get the driver home right away.
The website at www.truckersfinalmile.org is in-depth with information on the Programs, Policies, and organizational structure documents.
truckersfinalmile.org was the first Charity serving the trucking industry to receive the "Gold Level" participant rating at GuideStar.org, and has maintained that rating for over a year. Information on the Charity can also be found on GreatNonProfits.org.
Anyone, even those not holding a CDL can donate. The Charity is also seeking corporate sponsors. To learn more about, or to donate to this growing Charity for North American Truck Drivers, visit www.truckersfinalmile.org.