Fighting Against Speed Cameras

Some people have decided that Post-it notes, Silly String, and even pickaxes were the finest way to deal with speed cameras. FoxyTag offers a legal, free and better way of dealing with them.

Obviously the issue with speed cameras is a touchy subject. People are going through great lengths to show their displeasure. Association are been created all around the world to protest against speed cameras. Some political like the Australian "No Speed Cameras Party". Others not so political like a UK group called MAD (Motorists Against Detection). They have been smashing speed cameras for the past seven years in retaliation. In fact, the guerrilla group claims to have obliterated 1000 of the cameras, and have big plans to step up their attacks on the eavesdropping gadgets.

Police around the world are looking to expand their speed-camera network with hi-tech digital cameras. The digital upgrades should be capable of spotting speeding cars across various lanes, whether travelling towards or away from the camera, and tell whether one car among several is speeding. It can identify the speeds of different vehicles - such as trucks, which should be travelling only 90kmh in a 100kmh zone.

FoxyTag offers for free an application for Android smartphones called CamAdvisor. This is a legal system to warn drivers when approaching speed cameras but also mobile speed cameras, average speed cameras, traffic light cameras and ghosts (places where there are often mobile speed cameras). Speed cameras will launch an alarm 15 seconds before the critical point.

CamAdvisor automatically tracks the driver's speed through a SPECS zone and displays the speed the user needs to adhere to respect the speed restrictions.

The most useful feature is probably the offline mode that makes the worldwide 48'000 speed cameras available without an internet access. The application will automatically switch between online and offline depending on internet availability. This means CamAdvisor can be used abroad for no extra fee.