Family IQ Helps Thousands Worldwide

FamilyIQ was founded back in 2001 by Mark Hobbins. He created this company in order to help families function better and become healthier. He has been on the Dr. Phil show 8 or 9 times sharing his company and products.

Family IQ was founded in 2001 by Mark Hobbins and has helped thousands of people throughout the world. The company's mission is to empower individuals and parents to improve their personal, partnering, and parenting skills in order to build stronger and more effective families and relationships.

Family IQ has offered state-of-the-art family skill building tools, treatment programs and therapists who wanted to improve family relationships. The product is so life changing and effective that Dr. Phil has featured Mark Hobbins and Family IQ on his show 8 or 9 times. Dr. Phil shares with the audience that Mark Hobbins and Family IQ is "The best of the best."

Starting November 2010 in an effort to reach the general public, Family IQ changed its model to a direct-to-consumer business model. Family IQ has received over 50,000 visitors. Now all of the current business that comes will be referred by business members. This means that you, and others who are dedicated to enriching families, can participate in a truly unique business opportunity and one of a kind compensation plan.

Family IQ partner and top online marketer Trisha Frauenhofer immediately saw the power of this brand new unique compensation plan and felt the pride behind such a life changing product. She immediately partnered up with Mark Hobbins and Family IQ to be able to spread the word to as many individuals and family members as possible, as fast as possible.

For More Information Contact: Trisha Frauenhofer at 831-685-2521 or You can also find out more at

About Trisha Frauenhofer
