Eve Paris Offers Holistic Apartment Living for Visitors

Travelers who are vacationing in Paris expect a great time while in the City of Light. Unfortunately not all are able to do just that.

Travelers who are vacationing in Paris expect a great time while in the City of Light. Unfortunately not all are able to do just that. Eve Paris is determined to change that by providing mid-level and luxury apartments to travelers and giving guests a taste of some local experiences that are uniquely Paris.

"It has always been our intention at Eve Paris that our services will be highly differentiated from what other companies are offering," says Jules Kragen, president and co-founder of Eve Paris. "This is the reason why we go beyond just providing vacation apartments. We also include services that are unique and timely in relations to the needs of our guests", adds Kragen. Supporting this claim is Eve's move to rethink the search function of its website and provide another means for travelers to select a vacation apartment - by aligning the apartment's location with the guests' interests and vacation plans. The result is Eve's higher satisfaction rating from its guests.

"We are helping travelers connect with the local community knowing that can turn into a cultural exchange later on when relationships are formed", says Ron Katz, co-founder of Eve Paris. "We introduce our guests to our local contacts in Paris, we call them passionistas, to help them get more out of their trip in the city", adds Katz. Eve Paris does not expect its guests to sleep all day in their apartments, so it introduces opportunities for them to network with local people, get invited to other homes, have engaging conversation about Parisian life, and know more about the culture of the city through the people who walks its streets. "Through the passionistas, travelers can turn a vacation into a trip that has depth and meaning. Because friendships will ultimately flourish, our guests' ties with the city remain strong through the years", says Katz.

"Our guests are not be trapped in a tourist-like existence while staying in our apartments", says Katz. "We make sure that Paris will stand up to their expectations. When we are able to do that, we cease to be just an apartment rental company but a provider of authentic vacation experiences", explains Katz. Guests can now get into the vibe and feel of Paris the moment they step out of their luxury Paris vacation rentals. Everything a traveler is inclined to do is within reach and with that is the chance to really experience Paris as it is and not how travel sites describe it.

The aim of Eve Paris is to provide a more holistic vacation for travelers. With a holiday apartment of their own they can cook their own food using ingredients from the local market. They can invite guests over for dinner. These are often the same people they got close with through Eve's passionista initiative. The apartment becomes an extension of the travelers' Paris experience.

Eve has apartments in Paris, Florence, and Tel Aviv.

Contact: eve Paris, www.eveParis.com. 001.860.222.0001