Eckankar News: Events to Help Understand Profound Spiritual Experiences
Online, August 31, 2012 ( - Eckankar, a spiritual teaching that offers direct experience of the Light and Sound of God, provides a welcoming environment for people of any faith to talk about and find explanations for such things as prophetic dreams, reincarnation, angels, visions, and the afterlife.
In a 2009 Pew Research Center study, nearly half of the public, 49 percent, reported that they have had a religious or mystical experience. Eckankar, an international religion headquartered in a suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota, has centers around the world. Eckankar is inviting people of any belief to talk about their supernatural or everyday spiritual experiences and gain insights about them to help in everyday life. Eckankar's seminars, worship services, and events offer the company of like-minded people who respect and understand direct encounters with the Divine. Eckankar events take place in over one hundred countries around the world.
Peter Skelskey, president of Eckankar, says, "People who come to Eckankar events get validation and answers to questions they've had their whole life. When we show them how to sing HU (pronounced hue), an ancient love song to God that connects everyone to the Creator, the Holy Spirit can guide them to their own answers. Singing HU and learning other spiritual tools and techniques allows people the freedom and insight to know who they are, as immortal Soul. Eckankar offers spiritual resources that all people can use to awaken the inner wisdom and knowledge that is their own spiritual birthright."
Spiritual experiences include dreams. Dreams may bring a prophecy, a healing, or an encounter with a departed loved one. A 2009 study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology reported that those surveyed believe dreams contain hidden truths and meaningful information. They reported being motivated to interpret their dreams and said that dreams have an impact on their daily lives. Eckankar is a leading proponent of dreams as personal keys to increased spiritual awareness and for help in meeting life's challenges.
Many people have had the spiritual experience of recalling a past life. CBS Sunday Morning featured a segment on May 15, 2011, which reported that one in ten Americans remembers a past life. The Pew Research Center's study, mentioned above, found that 24 percent of the public say they believe in reincarnation.
Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, writes in his book The Slow Burning Love of God, "[Many people have] had some kind of extraordinary spiritual experience-going out of the body or something of this nature. They may not have understood what it was, but they had the experience. We are here to help them. We're here to give them a frame of reference about what this experience means."
A spiritual experience can give people proof that there is more to life than what they can see, feel, and touch. At Eckankar's events people discover their own answers. They are introduced to the HU to help them gain greater peace, comfort, insight, and love. When an attendee at an Eckankar spiritual-experiences event was asked, "What did you like most?" she answered, "Sharing experiences with others." Another replied, "Openness and connectedness felt within the group; spiritual exercises."
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