Dr. Al Sears Discusses The Importance Of Paleo In Our Modern World

America's #1 Paleo Physician, Al Sears, MD, explains why the Paleo Diet and going back to our natural eating traditions is so important in staying lean and healthy in the modern world.

Millions of people are talking about embracing the Paleo Lifestyle and the Paleo Diet and returning back to the hunter-gatherer roots that humans are genetically programmed for. Anti-aging specialist and paleo lifestyle pioneer, Dr. Al Sears, MD, believes that the Paleo movement is a good thing because it moves our diet away from the low-fat, grain based Agrarian diet that is not natural to humans.

"I advocated the Paleo diet 20 years ago before "Paleo" was a buzzword. There is a lot of talk about Paleo right now, and that is a good thing. Paleo is so much healthier.", Dr. Sears said. "I don't want to split hairs about this, but I have a better way of talking about it. Paleo actually focuses on the wrong period in history and the wrong problem. Paleolithic is the old stone age. Neolithic is the new stone age."

Although Dr. Sears advocates the Paleo diet, he makes the point that people do not have to go all the way back to the Paleolithic era for this natural way of eating. The Neolithic era was actually a better time for humans when they developed better tools, became better hunters, and learned to make warmer clothes. This allowed them to teach each other and share ideas. They still followed the same hunter-gatherer lifestyle, but the Neolithic period and lifestyle was actually an advance in how humans lived… So Neolithic is better than Paleo."

"Planting seed crops is what got us into trouble. That only happened a few thousand years ago, and it changed our diet from high protein to a low protein, low fat grain based diet." Dr. Sears explained. "This goes against what our bodies are genetically hardwired for, and this is why we became shorter, lost muscle, and brain size."

Dr. Sears recommends that his patients follow three keys to returning to a natural way of eating that will allow them to drop weight and stay lean and youthful.

1. Eat as much high quality protein as possible. At least one gram for every pound of lean muscle mass.

2. Overeat protein. It sends the metabolic signal to the body that times are good and it is not necessary to store fat.

3. Choose free-range eggs and grass fed beef as the best sources of protein.

"When you cook your meat try not to use high heat or lengthy slow-cooking methods. Overcooking denatures protein, breaks down vitamins, and removes nutrients.", Dr. Sears advised. "I like to eat my steak rare and recommend that my patients do too. That way you can get the most of what is best for you in the beef."

To read the full story and find out more about the Paleo diet and how it can naturally help to keep a body lean, smart, and strong visit: http://www.alsearsmd.com/2014/04/whats-wrong-with-paleo-craze/

About Al Sears, MD

Dr. Al Sears, MD currently owns and operates the Dr. Sears' Center for Health and Wellness in Royal Palm Beach, Florida. It's a successful integrative medicine and anti-aging clinic with over 25,000 patients.

His cutting-edge therapies and reputation for solving some of the most difficult-to-diagnose cases attract patients from around the world. Dr. Sears was one of the first to be *board-certified in anti-aging medicine.

As a pioneer in this new field of medicine, he is an avid researcher, published author, and enthusiastic lecturer. He is the first doctor licensed in the U.S. to administer TA-65, the most important breakthrough in anti-aging medicine today.

Dr. Sears currently writes and publishes several monthly newsletters, including ,the monthly e-Newsletter, Confidential Cures, and daily email broadcasts, Doctor's House Call and Ageless Beauty Secrets.

He also contributes to a host of other publications in the field, and has appeared on over 50 national radio programs, ABC News, CNN, and ESPN. For more information about Dr. Al Sears, MD, please visit: http://www.AlSearsMD.com

Wellness Research and Consulting at 561.784.7852
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