Donald E. Auten's New Book "Alika: Odyssey of a Navy Dolphin" is the Endearing Journey of a Dolphin and His Human Handlers Through Joys and Sorrows.

Recent release "Alika: Odyssey of a Navy Dolphin" from Covenant Books author Donald E. Auten is a passionate narrative that tells of a dolphin's grand life at the hands of his beloved human family.

Donald E. Auten, a native of Southern California, who retired from the Navy after a twenty-seven-year career and was an adversary instructor pilot in four adversary commands, has completed his new book, “Alika: Odyssey of a Navy Dolphin”: a gripping and heartwarming book about an Atlantic bottle-nosed dolphin, Alika, a young cowboy turned mammal handler, Brent, and the southern girl, Katie, who saved the dolpin’s life.


Donald shares, “Brent, a horse trainer with a special gift, joins the Navy fresh out of high school to see the world. When a Navy notice asking for volunteers for the Navy’s Marine Mammal Program (NMMP) is announced, Brent gives up a glittering career to become a mammal handler. His decision, not easily made, fulfills a long-time spiritual oracle he believes has called upon him. He is assigned to Alika, a spirited, orphaned dolphin with some issues.

Through her unrelenting effort, Katie locates the little dolphin she helped rescue years before and coordinates a field trip for a group of marine biology students to a little-known Navy command at Point Loma, California. There, she is reunited with Alika, now a certified Fleet Mk-7 Mine Hunter dolphin. The reunion was a euphoric triumph but made even more spectacular by Katie’s chance introduction to Brent, Alika’s handler.

Love blossoms for Brent and Katie, but the clouds of war form in the Mideast. On March 20th, 2003 the US coalition of nations initiate Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)—the second gulf war. Brent, Alika, and other mine-hunting teams from NMMP deploy to the mid-east; they are integral to the OIF campaign and are of the first called into action. Three days after the task of clearing sea-mines from the port of Umm Qasr begins, Brent suffers a brutal attack from a bull shark. Alika exacts retribution and dispatches the shark then tows Brent to safety, saving his life.

Brent had a promising future. He had gained so many things—some through hard work, diligence, and good decisions but most through the grace of God. He had completed a mystical calling, which, five-years earlier had beckoned him. But now, it seemed, one by one, his life’s greatest treasures were being systematically stripped from him. He’ll recover from his physical wounds, but the real devastation is the reality that he will be discharged from the Navy, lose his job, his dolphin, and likely, his one true love—Katie. But Katie has other plans. She comes to Brent with hope, salvation, and a promise.”

Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Donald E. Auten’s new book reaches out to readers and inspires them with compassion for all creatures, great or small.

This book is truly a must read, for it conveys resounding notions on appreciation and hope as one moves forward in life.

Readers can purchase “Alika: Odyssey of a Navy Dolphin” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble.

Covenant Books is an international Christian owned and operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work which appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.

Source: Covenant Books

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