Dizzi Globile Taking Online Communication to Another Level Releasing 'CU'

Dizzi Globile recently released CU, a unique and one of its kind secure communication system.

There is a new communication tool that is giving users more control over their private information. YapApp (Subsidiary of Dizzi Globile Pty Ltd) has developed and now officially launched their latest application, CU, the next generation of communication providing high definition audio and video calls. CU is unique as it does not require any sign-up or sign-in, meaning you can chat with friends, colleagues or family without giving up any of your personal information such as email or phone numbers.

To get chatting, CU only requires a picture. Dizzy Globile saw that there was a gap in the social communication app market – knowing that many people don't like giving up email addresses or phone numbers which can be potentially used by developers for marketing purposes. CU uses QR codes – allowing the user to only share their unique QR code with whom they wish to connect with. You can be friends and connect with people you have actually met.

We are literally giving power to the people as CU is free, no personal information is required from users and it provides a multitude of functions such as HD video calls, crisp quality audio calls and chatting. There just had to be somebody who had to create such a powerfully secure and innovative communication medium app and I am glad it was us.

Pankaj Arora, CEO, Yapapp India Pvt Ltd

Salient Features of CU:

NO FEES: Without any hidden costs, CU uses your phone's Internet connection (4G/3G/ 2G/EDGE or Wi-Fi, as available) to let you message and call your friends and family, there won't be any need to pay for messaging or calling. There are no subscription fees to use CU.

HD VIDEO CALLS: No extra charges apply. Use your internet connection to connect with your contacts.

GROUP CHATS: Now you can also enjoy Group Chats with the people you select with CU.

CU WEB: You can also send and receive messages right from your computer's browser.

ALWAYS LOGGED IN: You don't miss any messages as you are always logged in with CU. No confusion of being logged in or logged out.

NO PERSONAL INFO REQUIRED: You don't need to input your personal information of any sort. CU provides completely private and secure communication.

Need more information? Users can find full details about CU here: www.getcuapp.com.

About CU (A Product Of Dizzi Globile Pty Ltd.)

Launched in 2017, CU developed by YapApp India Private Limited and is launched as a secure communication app. Its main objective is to provide a secure method of communicating with family, friends and people you just met without actually giving out or sharing any personal information to anyone.

Source: Dizzi Globile Pty Ltd

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About Dizzi Globile

Created by co-founders Avi Shaked and Yoram Kugel in 2010, Dizzi Globile is an international team of designers and developers.

Dizzi Globile
838 Collins Street , #Office 403
Docklands, VIC

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