Discover the Internet's best and hidden treasures with ReadPort

Get recommendations for interesting blogs/websites, find people who read the same sites and discover numerous highly interesting publications hidden in the so called long-tail of the internet.

The recently launched online service recommends websites/blogs that match a user's personal interests.

These website recommendations are based on the blogs and websites that a user is already visiting and reading. After a user submits the selection of websites that they are currently reading, ReadPort's specially developed algorithm automatically determines a list of recommended blogs and websites that match their interests. Thus ReadPort provides a solution to discover numerous highly interesting publications hidden in the so called long-tail of the internet.

Additionally, ReadPort users are able to find out who is reading the same websites/blogs, connect with each other and communicate about their favorite sites. Webmasters and bloggers can use ReadPort as a marketing tool, in order to promote their websites, attract new users and get to know the existing ones.

The long- and mid-tail of the internet offers a wide range of highly valuable and terrific content waiting to be discovered by new users. The founders of ReadPort believe in the editorial expertise and variety of these smaller publications. Long-tail publishers should consider ReadPort as their new platform to present online projects to a broader audience.