Dianne B. Dodson Williams' New Book 'Sailing Through the Storms of Life' Brings the Struggling Heart Loving Words of Hope, Wisdom, and Faith

Fulton Books author Dianne B. Dodson Williams, a three-time cancer survivor with a successful career in the corporate industry, has completed her most recent book "Sailing Through the Storms of Life": a captivating and meaningful read bringing inspiration and enlightenment and ministering readers to a faith-filled life. It is rooted in one's life experiences, giving a closer and more intimate look into what God holds and what God could give.

Williams shares, "My courage, faith, and joy conquer my storms. I found joy in the Lord. He was a refuge in times of trouble during my childhood, adolescence, and adult life.

We live in a very confusing, hectic, and troubled world today. We all have our trials and tribulations. We experience pain, financial burden, sorrow, broken hearts, and disasters in our lives. But know this—we have a risen Savior, and he lives. God will do what he said he will do. If you seek him, then you shall find him, as I did. He will lift you up in a cool, clear, and calm atmosphere of peace, love, joy, faith, and hope. This book will encourage you and inspire you to pray daily. Do this, and you can have a spiritual walk with God on a daily basis. If you call out his name, he will answer in his time and fulfill your needs. If he did it for me; he will do it for you too. Love the Lord with all your heart!"

Published by Fulton Books, Dianne B. Dodson Williams' book is a mind-clearing compendium of words that lighten one's load in their hearts and bring clarity to their soul as they search for redemption and strength in the hands of God.

Readers who wish to experience this beautiful work can purchase "Sailing Through the Storms of Life" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books