Demandresults Launches Evidence-Based Marketing Blog, Offering Research And Best Practices For Online Marketers

DemandResults launches new evidence-based marketing blog offering marketing news, research, opinions and industry standards

DemandResults, innovator of evidence-based marketing products and services, today launched a new blog offering marketing news, research, opinions and industry standards.

Of late, evidence-based marketing techniques have been discussed increasingly at conferences and online as executives struggle with how to best apply the considerable amounts of social, search and other marketing data at their disposal to their corporate strategies. Site infographics, articles and videos will attempt to answer an important question facing marketing professionals: how can evidence-based techniques actually empower marketing and sales teams to increase brand performance? is a multi-author blog featuring media by both DemandResults employees and guest bloggers. Subject matter experts will include demand generation, search engine optimization (SEO), paid search management, social media marketing and marketing automation. While Hollywood studios have used data analysis to help focus creative decisions for decades, the concept of applying evidence-based techniques to marketing improvement is still novel to many businesses within myriad industries.

"Powerful analytics tools are widely available," said Howard Brown, founder and CEO of DemandResults, and creators of online marketing tools such as SEO for Salesforce and PercentComplete. "Still, it's remarkable how little data analysis and testing are utilized in the planning stages of sales and marketing campaigns. We're excited to both share our stories and also hear from other marketers."

In the early 2000s, Brown, who started as a healthcare entrepreneur, began applying concepts from evidence-based medicine best practices to his growing online network, which was anchored by After several years of success employing evidence-based methods, Brown sold the business to Cupertino-based healthcare giant CRC, a property that then-CEO later called the company's best overall acquisition.

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