Dead Sea Scrolls' Burial Secret Completely Exposes Ancient Lies
Online, December 27, 2010 ( - In recent decades scholars, theologians, and researchers have puzzled over why the Dead Sea Scrolls were buried in exactly 11 caves. Though most attention has been focused on preserving and decoding the voluminous contents of those 11 caves, scant consideration has been given to the meaning and purpose of the burial method and its use of star symbolism. Those familiar with the Hebrew prophetic texts and expectations are fully aware of the vital importance of star symbolism, though most have no clue of its true meaning.
Most researchers also have no clue that the ancient Hebrew sages divided their calendar into 360-year cycles and symbolized those cycles using both stars and angels. Furthermore, that the 11th 360-year cycle on the Hebrew calendar was the end of the Second Temple Period during which Christianity arose, the Second Temple and Jerusalem were destroyed by Rome, and the Dead Sea Scrolls were buried by those commonly referred to as Essenes. Thereby, the Dead Sea Scrolls were entombed in precisely 11 caves during the 11th 360-year cycle on the Hebrew calendar.
Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols presents comprehensive proof that ancient sages and prophets opposed religion and wisely never trusted religious leaders. There is also much throughout history and various ancient texts that validates this conclusion. Furthermore, they participated in an ages-long sting-operation, expertly hiding vital secrets from religious leaders throughout the previous several millennia. A pivotal component of this ancient sting-operation involved star, angel, and zodiac symbology. Stars and angels were used to encode specific cycles of time through symbolic narratives that were precisely coordinated with both the Hebrew calendar and the ancient configuration of the zodiac encoded within the Hebrew texts.
The first clear evidence of this ancient star-time code appears in the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis. Joseph is the 11th son of Jacob and has a dream where 11 stars (and the sun and moon) bow to him. In other words, Genesis encodes a prediction (prophecy) about the vital importance of the 11th 360-year cycle on the Hebrew calendar, using the ancient star-time code. Then centuries later during the 11th cycle and before the destruction of the Second Temple and Jerusalem by Rome, the Dead Sea Scrolls were entombed in exactly 11 caves. Thereby, those who buried the Dead Sea Scrolls expertly sent forth proof that they knew this ancient code within Genesis that previous and subsequent groups kept hidden from religious leaders.
Proof of the truth about the purpose and meaning of stars and angels in the original symbolic narratives proves that religious stories about angels are later embellishments and interpolations (ergo lies...) created by religious leaders, not by the prophets and sages who authored the original symbolically encoded narratives. Additionally, this code was used within the Book of Revelation to embed verifiable dates and other details that could be compared to religious assertions over the millennia. Star and angel symbology is the silver bullet purposely designed to prove that all three so-called Faiths of Abraham are purposeful deceptions.
Seven Star Hand further explains; "The star-time code used within Genesis and the Dead Sea Scrolls burial is also used extensively throughout the Book of Revelation, as well as by Nostradamus, Freemasonry, and within the Great Seal of the USA. Stars and angels are also used interchangeably to eventually prove the original purpose and meaning of both of these ancient symbols, beyond any shadow of a doubt. All three so-called Faiths of Abraham have made amazing claims about the actions and nature of "angels" over the millennia. Thanks to the ancient prophets and sages, who knew that religion was deceptive, we now have solid proof that religious leaders have always knowingly lied about gods, angels, and much else. We also now have verifiable proof of the true meaning and purpose of the symbols and symbology used by the prophets and sages throughout the millennia."
Star and angel symbolism is only one component of a far more comprehensive body of wisdom encoded using the symbology that flowed from ancient Egypt. In essence, the ancient sages and prophets provided symbolic narratives to religious leaders that contained deeply encoded details. They could not be fully decoded and understood, until a specific time far in their futures when sufficiently advanced science was available to grasp the final keys required to unlock them. In this manner, untampered proof of the truth was always secretly and expertly embedded throughout the resulting religious canons.
The symbology of the ancients was always based on advanced science and precise natural observations that decisively prove its true meanings and purposes. Unfortunately for all religions, this completely exposes pivotal ancient lies. It proves that advanced science was encoded within symbols and passed along to the future by the prophets. At the same time, religious leaders have long claimed supernatural sources for things they and their followers could not understand. For example, thanks to string theory and quantum physics we now know there are 11 dimensions. Thanks to these symbolic models and narratives we also now know that an ancient pre-Egyptian civilization sent forth comprehensive proof that they also knew this advanced science, and a great deal more. provides links to download the free PDF e-Book version of Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols. You may download the full PDF E-Book directly at the link below or visit the website for additional options, articles, and resources. The paperback version is available through the website, at, and other booksellers.
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