David Streets' New Book 'The Time Quantum' is a Mind-Blowing Read That Expounds on the Risk and Dangers of Time Warping

Fulton Books author, David Streets, an environmental scientist and a world-renowned researcher, has completed his most recent book "The Time Quantum": a highly engrossing novel with the perfect amount of thrill, romance, and adventure. Brian Kenning discovered the portal to a different era by using the zeta experiment. It's such a great contribution to modern physics. However, this experiment opened up not just a connection to a different world but also invited some troubles that one would not ever dare to imagine.

Streets shares, "In an old church on a cold autumn afternoon, a young woman is making a brass rubbing. Suddenly, she senses a presence by the altar. A vague, diaphanous object brushes past her. She bends down over her brass rubbing and sees that it is speckled with blood. She faints.

"What do you do when your girlfriend says she's seen a ghost? Brian Kenning is a physicist, so he decides to perform an experiment in the church to find out what she actually saw. He becomes the first person to truly uncover the mystery of ghosts and how their appearance is linked to historical events. His explanation involves a new theory about the quantized nature of time itself.

"But Brian and his colleagues pursue the truth too far until the safety of all is threatened. The consequences of their later experiments are most mysterious, and it is left to Brian's brother, John, to uncover the truth and rue the day they ever discovered the time quantum."

Published by Fulton Books, David Streets' book is an action-packed volume that is not just entertaining but also informative as it provides a fresh perspective in the theory of time. 

This read will surely fuel the inspiration and imagination of every sci-fi geek out there.

Readers who wish to experience this enthralling work can purchase "The Time Quantum" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books