Dale DeLillo's New Book 'Tell the Truth' is a Contemplative Tale That Reveals the Dirty Game Behind the Battle for a Child's Custody

Fulton Books author, Dale DeLillo, a promising author, has completed his most recent book "Tell The Truth": a striking novel that heavily documents the biased procedures in the fight for a child's custody. John Corfinio just wanted to be present in the life of his only child. However, the court, who's supposed to be just, is being ruled by corrupt officials who would rather mind their pockets than provide justice. 

DeLillo shares, "John Corfinio wants to believe in the truth, justice, and fair play that is the very cornerstone of the court system, but his heartbreaking journey is littered with frustration and periods of incarceration in his continuous struggle for the right to establish a relationship with his only child. In spite of his best efforts to follow court-mandated procedures and rulings, he finds that the demands are not equally applied to both parents and that the leanings employed by the system are definitively lopsided in favor of his ex-wife. Every attempt to act in accordance with the demands of the court is met with repeated refusals until Corfinio finally reaches his breaking point and holds an entire courtroom hostage. He forces everyone to admit well-covered and long-buried truths about the faults of the system and the manipulations of those involved, which led to this critical impasse. In his doomed quest, he sadly discovers that it's not the truth that matters but, rather, who can manipulate the truth to their advantage that will win the day. Finding both unlikely allies and dangerous adversaries, the clock is ticking fast as he races toward a devastating truth that is correct and corrupt."

Published by Fulton Books, Dale DeLillo's book is a thought-provoking read that portrays the unfair treatment in the modern justice system. The whole read is compelling, enraging, and insightful.

Up to what extent will these rotten people continue to manipulate the truth?

Readers who wish to experience this provoking work can purchase "Tell The Truth" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books