CyberVision Launches New Partnership Program for IoT

CyberVision announces its new partnership program, centered around the open-source Kaa IoT platform. Kaa enables building, managing and integrating diverse devices into the Internet of Everything.

Any company, whether it’s an IoT vendor, M2M connectivity provider, chip manufacturer, data analytics software vendor, hardware manufacturer, or system integrator, can leverage CyberVision’s IoT platform Kaa to enhance their products functionality and thus increase value delivered to the end customer.

The IoT market will exceed $20 Bn by 2020. The partnership program launched by CyberVision opens a variety of new possibilities and benefits for the companies:
– Market expansion by offering a comprehensive IoT functionality.
– Joint marketing efforts with CyberVision.
– Knowledge base access and support of CyberVision engineers.
– Kaa Professional Services: platform customization, consulting, engineers onboarding, technical assistance, and more.

The partnership program is available in 3 steps:
1. Business case identification and evaluation.
2. Creation of a proof of concept through joint effort and pre- integration of Kaa with company’s products/services and creating a strong value proposition.
3. After the joint proposal is ready for commercial delivery, CyberVision jointly markets these offerings through defined channels.

All the details and the “Contact us” form can be found on the official CyberVision site.

About CyberVision

CyberVision is a trusted global provider of IT and consulting services. Our expanding pool of highly talented engineers utilize cutting edge technologies to deliver complex solutions to our global clients. With a cultural standard for excellence, our clients will attest – we don’t just implement software systems, we think strategically about the system lifecycle, scalability, and maintenance. 

About Kaa Project

Kaa is an open-source platform for building and facilitating applications in the realm of Internet of Things. Kaa allows companies to expedite a products’ time-to-market, increase performance, and attract customers/subscribers. Kaa introduces standardized methods for enabling integration and interoperation across connected products. The Kaa IoT platform is licensed under Apache 2.0, and is 100% open source without royalties.