CUTV News Recognizes Dr. Lori Kay of Awakening the Successful Woman Association

You’re expected to be the perfect mother, the perfect wife and successful in your career. By the time you achieve all that, there isn’t a whole lot of time left for you, is there?

For too long, women have believed a happy life is the sum of its parts: an adoring husband, loving children, a well-paying job and a house they own. It’s all supposed to add up to some magical feeling of happiness.

Every woman I've worked with at some point has been last on her own list. I'm going to give you the tools and techniques to empower yourself.

Dr. Lori Kay, PhD

Dr. Lori Kay PhD believes a woman’s success should be defined by her happiness, not the other way around.

Dr. Kay is the CEO of Awakening the Successful Woman Association. Dr. Kay works with “superwomen” who recognize they can no longer manage the overwhelming stress associated with their lifestyle.

“Women have a tendency to put ourselves last on our own list. That’s what’s been modeled for us,” says Dr. Kay. “Every woman I’ve worked with at some point has been last on her own list.”

“Superwomen” are women who strive to achieve everything they believe is expected of them, often at the expense of themselves. Superwomen often overwork themselves even when they know it’s no longer healthy or productive.

Dr. Kay believes that in order to overcome our stress and exhaustion and live the life we want to live, we must reconnect with our lives in a meaningful way.

“Connecting with me is a great first step,” says Dr. Kay. “I’m going to give you the tools and techniques to empower yourself.”

Dr. Kay developed her revolutionary SHINE program to provide clients with a realistic plan to create a balanced lifestyle. SHINE stands for Self, Health, Intuition, Nourishment and Emotional Balance. The program helps women reprioritize their lives so they create the time and space to take care of themselves.

“My goal is to reach 100,000 women and truly change their lives,” says Dr. Kay.

For more information on Awakening the Successful Woman Association, visit

Source: CUTV News

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