Compassion Center and CIFR Honored to Present at the VA/DOD Suicide Prevention Conference 2024, Increasing the Reach and Improving Outcomes for Veterans and Active Duty Military

VA DOD Suicide Prevention Conference 2024 Opening Ceremony

Compassion Center, in collaboration with the Institute for Suicide & Homicide Prevention (ISHP) and CIFR, presented groundbreaking sessions on integrative healthcare and mental health at the 2024 VA/DoD Suicide Prevention Conference. Their participation highlighted innovative approaches to suicide and homicide prevention, fostering dialogue among global experts. The event culminated in a hospitality suite, featuring unique mental health tools like Eddie Deen's ‘Backwards Bicycle,' aimed at bridging critical care gaps.

Compassion Center, a leader in integrative healthcare, mental health solutions, advocacy, and research, expresses deep gratitude to the Veterans' Administration (VA) ( and the Department of Defense (DoD) ( for the honor of participating in and lecturing at the 2024 VA/DoD Suicide Prevention Conference. Held from July 16th to 18th at the Oregon Convention Center (OCC) in Portland, Oregon, this prestigious event featured over 250 presentations, including two delivered by Compassion Center and its Institute for Suicide & Homicide Prevention (ISHP).

The conference brought together global experts, including representatives from Compassion Center, the Center for Incubation & Findings Research (CIFR), and ISHP, to discuss critical issues such as integrative healthcare modalities, mental health, suicide and homicide prevention, and homelessness. The VA and DoD reaffirmed their commitment to enhancing the mental health and well-being of Veterans and active-duty military personnel-an effort strongly supported by Compassion Center and CIFR through their expanding community-based initiatives.

On July 17, 2024, Compassion Center's leadership presented two groundbreaking sessions that showcased innovative approaches to improving mental health outcomes, reducing suicide and homicide risks, and enhancing activities of daily living (ADL). Compassion Center's James Creel and Julie Monteiro, RN, BSK lectured on integrative medicine, while Dr. Drina Fried of the ISHP spoke on the subjects of suicide and homicide prevention. The positive feedback from lecturers and attendees further motivates Compassion Center's leadership to collaborate with the VA and DoD officials to advance these critical initiatives.

That evening, Compassion Center hosted a Hospitality Suite in partnership with the Integrative Providers Association (IPA) to honor the VA, DoD, Veterans, and Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs). The evening event featured legendary BBQ brisket garnished with neurological insights by Eddie Deen, along with roundtable discussions with Dr. Drina Fried (ISHP), James Garvey (SIDHE Institute), Alyssa Vidal (CIFR's Creative Arts Institute), James "J.B." Creel (Compassion Center/CIFR), and Nurse Julie Monteiro (IPA/Glocal Cannabis Nursing Institute). This gathering facilitated discussions on the current states of integrative healthcare and mental health, trends, barriers to reintegration and other opportunities within the fields of integrative and mental health.

Roundtable discussions brought together local stakeholders, leadership, and experts to explore a wide range of topics, fostering dialogue and charting a more effective path for collaboration. These conversations revealed significant gaps in the VA and DoD's continuums of care and identified deficiencies in accredited interprofessional education that need urgent attention. The discussions raised the critical question of why these gaps persist, despite their potential for resolution by State-funded universities or federal initiatives.

Case studies from CIFR, ISHP, SIDHE, CAI, and Eddie Deen's Internal Freedom Services, Inc. were highlighted, including Eddie Deen's innovative brisket classes, consciousness meter, and his disruptive "Backwards Bicycle" concept. These tools were demonstrated as effective and otherwise underutilized methods for mental health professionals to help patients bridge the "800 Millisecond Gap" and regain control of their sense of agency. Conference attendees also had an opportunity to interact with-and even ride if they so dared-Eddie Deen's "Backwards Bicycle" at the Compassion Center-IPA hospitality suite.

Further discussions during the conference covered topics such as Ayurveda, Iboga, plant-based medicines, psychedelics, hallucinogens and entheogens, focusing on their contraindications and safety concerns, and re-integration into educational frameworks for Veterans and active-duty military personnel. Roundtable participants explored innovative strategies that bridge the "800 Millisecond Gap" in clinical practice and discussed how neurological perceptions of a backwards bicycle can significantly differ from that of traditional ones, illustrating our brain's adaptability and the potential for alternative teaching methods.

These sessions also addressed critical issues like mental illness, homelessness, PTSD-related behaviors, over-medication, addiction, and opioid dependency. Emphasis was placed on one's balancing of nutrition and the responsible use of psychedelics and plant-based medicines to promote holistic healing, reflecting Hippocrates' philosophy: "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." The discussions highlighted the need to overcome procedural, policy, and administrative barriers that prevent effective care for Veterans and active-duty personnel using all-natural, traditional and alternative integrative treatment modalities. To continue this vital dialogue, CIFR is sponsoring a monthly videoconference and invites Veterans' participation via Zoom by emailing with "Veterans Roundtable" in the subject line.

Leadership from the Compassion Center, CIFR, ISHP, SIDHE, and CAI also introduced several new disruptive programs, retreats, and workshops designed to support Veterans and active-duty military personnel in reintegration and coping efforts. For more information on these programs, please visit Compassion Center's Veterans and Active-Duty Military Programs.

Building on the Compassion Center's legacy of integrating holistic, traditional and other plant- based medicines into the continuum of care-including, but not limited to, yoga, acupuncture, therapeutic massage, medical cannabis, hemp and psilocybin mushrooms-these initiatives are designed to enhance biophysical wellness, mental health, and emotional well-being of Veterans and active-duty military personnel. By focusing on clinical advancements, comprehensive health improvements and interprofessional continuing education, we aim to reduce costs, decrease incidents of violence and self-harm, and further strengthen our risk mitigation and management. Our commitment is to leave every community we serve better than we found it.

Potential Impacts and Opportunities

Compassion Center is enthusiastic about the positive impacts these presentations can have on the VA/VHA and DoD Continuums of Care. By integrating individualized, alternative treatment modalities and introducing useful tools into these systems, we aim to create a more inclusive future. Collaborative efforts to fast-track billing code approvals for reimbursement by both the VA/VHA and Tri-Care can enhance patient outcomes, while reducing waste, and building greater accountability across the board.

There is a unique opportunity to immediately improve the mental health and overall physical wellness of Veterans. Expanding these approaches across the continuum of care can reduce their risks of suicide and homicide while also lowering the overall cost of care delivery. The Compassion Center emphasizes collaboration and partnership with the VA and DoD to effectively implement these modalities, ensuring that service members and Veterans receive comprehensive and compassionate care without interruption or delays in their continuity of care.

"Presenting at the VA/DoD Suicide Prevention Conference was an honor and an opportunity to share our vision of integrated care that addresses the root causes of mental health challenges and dis-ease," said Julie Monteiro, RN, BSK. "The Compassion Center is committed to working alongside the VA and DoD to create a more effective continuum of care that empowers these exceptional individuals and their families, improving their overall well-being and health in the process."

About Compassion Center and the Center for Incubation & Findings Research (CIFR)

Compassion Center, headquartered in Hillsboro, Oregon, is a pioneering force in integrative healthcare, dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for individuals and populations worldwide. By offering individualized treatment plans that seamlessly combine allopathic, traditional, and alternative modalities, the Compassion Center addresses the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of its patients. Our mission is to innovate care approaches that foster better health outcomes and advocate for a better tomorrow for all those we serve.

Through its socioeconomic research institute, the Center for Incubation & Findings Research (CIFR), Compassion Center is committed to identifying, creating, fostering and/or promoting socio-economic programs that address critical issues such as housing instability, food security, access to clean water, integrative healthcare, mental health, and education. By tackling these and other social determinants of health head-on, we aim to enhance the overall well-being of the communities we serve.

CIFR actively engages with communities and leaders, collaborating with global and 'glocal' thought leaders to develop viable solutions that empower individuals and families to enhance their quality of life and overall biophysical wellness. In partnership with Compassion Center International (CCI) and other global initiatives, we work with local advocates, NGOs, and experts-including those from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)-to drive meaningful change worldwide. We believe that compassion begins within, and through our vertically integrated efforts, we strive to make a positive impact on a global scale.

About CIFR's Institute for Suicide & Homicide Prevention (ISHP)

The Institute for Suicide & Homicide Prevention (ISHP) is an extension of Compassion Center's Center for Incubation & Findings Research, dedicated to advancing research and innovations in suicide and homicide prevention strategies. The ISHP focuses on developing evidence-based approaches that reduce harm and promote safety within our communities, institutions, and educational environments. Recognizing that not all communities face the same exact cultural disparities, challenges, or struggles, ISHP takes individualized, proactive approaches to directly address the root causes of these issues within each of the communities that we serve.

Too often, lives are lost because individuals lack the right tools to cope with, address, or heal from trauma. Since trauma is not the incident that caused the trauma, rather what happens as a result of an incident, addressing the aftermath of an incident is just as critical as addressing the incident that created the trauma. ISHP leadership aims to fill this void by offering educational programs, workshops, and conferences designed to certify and empower clinical, mental health and social work professionals as well as educators and first responders. These efforts help them better identify and address risks in real-time, providing critical support where it is most needed.

About CIFR's Syndicated Investigators Delving Into Hallucinogens Ethically (SIDHE)

Syndicated Investigators Delving Into Hallucinogens Ethically (SIDHE) is a research initiative under the Compassion Center's Center for Incubation & Findings Research (CIFR), dedicated to exploring the therapeutic benefits and ethical considerations of psychedelics and hallucinogens. SIDHE aims to advance scientific understanding and promote the responsible use of these substances in integrative healthcare and traditional practices.

Focusing on the safety, efficacy, and integration of psychedelics and plant-based medicines into treatment protocols, SIDHE addresses mental health challenges such as PTSD, addiction, and depression through historically traditional techniques. Through rigorous research, education and collaboration with global experts, SIDHE is committed to breaking down barriers and fostering innovative solutions that enhance well-being and improve the quality of life for individuals and communities.

By prioritizing ethical practices and patient safety, SIDHE seeks to transform perceptions and unlock the healing potential of these ancient remedies.

About CIFR's Creative Arts Institute (CAI)

The Creative Arts Institute (CAI) at CIFR is a pioneering center dedicated to harnessing the power of artistic expression to support mental health and well-being. CAI believes in the transformative potential of the arts to heal and empower individuals facing trauma, depression, and other mental health challenges. Our mission is to create a nurturing environment where creativity flourishes, serving as a therapeutic outlet for self-discovery and healing.

We offer a diverse range of programs and workshops across various artistic disciplines, including visual arts, music, and writing, with new programs continually being developed. By providing participants the freedom to explore and express themselves in ways that resonate with them, CAI aims to facilitate personal growth and emotional resilience.

At the Creative Arts Institute, we recognize that each individual's journey is unique. Our team of experienced artists, therapists, and mental health professionals work collaboratively to tailor programs that meet the specific needs and goals of each participant.

For More Information:

For further details about the Veterans Administration (VA), the Department of Defense (DoD), Integrative Providers Association (IPA), Compassion Center, Compassion Center International (CCI), CIFR, SIDHE, ISHP and/or CAI or any of their associated research programs or initiatives, please visit their respective websites by clicking below:

Veterans' Administration (VA) (

Department of Defense (DoD) (

Compassion Center ( -

Compassion Center International (https://www.CompassionCenter.International)

Integrative Providers Association (IPA) (

Internal Freedom Services, Inc. (IFSI) (

Eddie Deen & Company (

Contact Information

Sophaur One
Director of Communications
844-842-2667 Ext 1

James Garvey
CIFR Director of Collaborative Programs
844-842-COMPASSION Ext 1

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SOURCE: Compassion Center

Source: Compassion Center

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