Compass Edge Is Invited By Guangzhou Hotels Association To Host Educational Seminar On May 18, 2012.

Compass Edge (, a leader in providing hotel online solutions for independent hotels in Asia will bring its knowledge to China this year, starting with this first complimentary Educational Seminar in Guangzhou.

Geared towards hotel management professionals in Guangzhou such as General Managers, Sales & Marketing Directors or e-commerce Managers, the Compass Edge Educational Seminar strives to help hoteliers understand the key concepts of online distribution and marketing as well as the latest online trend.

Compass Edge firmly believes that having a good online strategy is one of the most critical factors to help an independent hotel to compete effectively today.

The Seminar program includes the following topics:
• China and Guangzhou Hotel Market Overview
• Current Distribution Channels
• Latest Online Trends
• Compass Edge: Automated Solutions to Help you Move Forward

Rudy Ruan, Compass Edge Business Development Manager for China, says "Independent hotels in China will find it very rewarding to join the seminar and we at Compass Edge are happy to help hoteliers understand the importance of online distribution and marketing in today's environment and see how we can help the hotels in China to derive a successful online strategy."

The educational seminar in Guangzhou:
Date: Friday, 18 May 2012
Venue: Dongfang Hotel
No 120 Liuhua Road, Yuexiu, Guangzhou
Times: 2:00pm - 5:30pm

To find out more and for details of how to reserve your seat at this event, please contact us at

Compass Edge ( is a consulting-focused service provider to offer comprehensive products and services from best-of-the-breed vendors based on the needs of independent hotels in Asia Pacific. We are committed to be the "Service Provider of Choice" by matching the different needs, strategy and financial requirements of hotels to our basket of products and services. Our main objective is to assist hotels to identify the missing parts in their electronic distribution and marketing strategy and provide them with solutions so they can compete in the global marketplace. Our ultimate goal is to drive incremental revenue through hotels low cost distribution channels.