Communications Expert Hosts Training Camp For Business Leaders

Skip Weisman, communication expert, hosting a training camp for new and existing managers and business leaders starting April 20, focusing on the skills needed by today's leaders in order to succeed and survive in today's challenging economic times.

Communication expert Skip Weisman is hosting a 90-day training camp commencing April 20 for new and experienced Managers and business leaders to learn, explore and develop the essentials of Confident Leadership. The program aims to develop strong leadership skills and enable leaders to stop avoiding issues and tolerating less than desirable attitudes, behaviors and results in their organization.

"Leaders who were promoted into their position because they were good at their job but don't necessarily have leadership skills and experience and people who have started their own business and had to hire employees and have problems getting them to do what they want them to do correctly are the people who will get the most out of this training," says Weisman.

He explains that businesses have enough to deal with in today's challenging market and leaders have to step up their game if the country is to rebuild the economy. Compounding the problems is the fact that the workforce is a totally different landscape today than what it was a few years ago. The largest expense for a company is in its workforce and given the floating quality of today's workforce, it's hard to get commitment and initiative from employees who may have become accustomed to being used up and laid off. There is no incentive for them to give 100% to their employer, and this is where leadership skills come into their own.

Weisman will cover the attributes that set successful leaders apart from the rest. "I'll be covering the specific skills confident leaders focus on that make them confident leaders and that others need to know to achieve the same results." Weisman says. "Leaders are struggling to maintain morale and motivation because of layoffs, stagnant salaries and reduced or eliminated bonuses, but they ignore the key areas in which they do have control over their workforce."

The training will reveal:

• #1 Secret to Leadership Confidence Most People Ignore
• The #1 Question to Get Your People to Solve Their Own Problems and Make Their Own Effective Decisions
• 4 Different Models to Help you Make Better Decisions, Solve-Problems and Set Priorities LIke a Champion
• The Magic Formula for Motivating Employees and Yourself Better Than Ever
• The 9-Steps and 4-Rules for Effective Delegation
• The 7-Deadliest Communication Mistakes You and Others on Your Team Are Making and How Avoid Them
• How to Never Allow Your Emotions to Get in the Way of Leading Others and Giving Constructive Feedback
• How to Instantly Build Trust with Every Team Member No Matter the State of the Relationship Today

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