Commcore Crisis Experts to Present Workshop on Crisis Communications for PRSA
Online, August 19, 2013 ( - What can we learn from crisis case studies as IAMS, Paula Deen, and Carnival Cruise Lines? What went wrong or right? Andrew Gilman, CEO of CommCore and Senior Consultant, Roger Conner, former Vice President of Communications for Marriott International will present case studies on how social media plays a major role in crisis communications today. This event will be sponsored by the National Capital Chapter of PRSA.
This interactive workshop titled Social Media's Impact on Crisis Communications will examine how prior crisis responses were handled and the lessons learned.The program runs from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on September 17, 2013. The National Capital Chapter PRSA event, is to be held at the Navy Memorial in Washington, DC.
"Whether it's media training or crisis communications, the extension of the PR practice to social media and the blogosphere in the past decade contuinues to evolve with profound implications for how we all work," said Andrew Gilman.
About PRSA
Public Relations Society of America is an association of over 21,000 public relations and communications professionals across the nation. Members of the society include recent college graduates, public relations professionals and leaders of the world's largest multinational firms. PRSA-NCC is the leading source of public relation events, education, and networking in the Washington, DC area.
About CommCore Consulting Group
CommCore Consulting Group is a privately held specialty communications firm serving businesses, government agencies, and non-profit organizations around the world for the past 25 years. The company specializes in strategic and tactical communications development and implementation across all industry sectors, organizational crisis planning and response, executive media and presentation training,message development, C Suite leadership and staff internal communications skills development. CommCore is led by its president and CEO, Andrew D. Gilman - a lawyer, award-winning journalist, and co-author of the best-selling book Get To The Point. CommCore is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and has offices in New York City, Los Angeles, & Dallas. More information about the company is available at