Christine Tirman's New Book 'When Dementia Came Knocking' is a Profound Perspective on Caring for a Loved One Who Suffers From Dementia

Fulton Books author Christine Tirman, a woman who has worked in the medical field for more than five decades, has completed her most recent book and sequel "When Dementia Came Knocking": a raw and heartfelt read that provides resource on dementia care and what life looks like when caring for someone with this disease. Christine Tirman applies her decades of experience in the medical field as she takes the role of her mother's caregiver. Their mother and daughter journey does not gloss over the difficulties and challenges attached to this disease. It is an insightful story that speaks nothing but the truth and reality.

Tirman shares, "From what started out as a blog to help me keep my sanity to books to help you keep yours, this is the true story of a mother and daughter caught up in the grips of a ruthless invader and how it redefined our lives as we knew it and how hope, however fleeting, was attainable.

It chronicles the life of my larger-than-life mother as a war, too close to her home, raged in Europe, how love blossomed in the most unlikely of circumstances and how, years later, after a devastating diagnosis, she was able to keep her amazing wit and undeniable charm.

This is a story, like millions of other stories out there, just waiting to be heard.

Just one.

And what an incredible story it is!

This is volume 2, the rest of our story."

Published by Fulton Books, Christine Tirman's book is an awe-inspiring piece that is rich in heartwarming stories and useful insights. At the same time, it offers hope and encouragement for people living in dementia and their partners in care.

This precious memoir aims to give comfort and just let everyone know that they're not alone in this seemingly challenging battle against dementia.

Readers who wish to experience this potent work can purchase "When Dementia Came Knocking" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books