Chicago Sun-Times Remains #1 Chicago Daily
Online, October 30, 2012 ( - Today, the Audit Bureau of Circulations released circulation performance figures for the newspaper industry, including the Chicago Sun-Times, for the six-month reporting period ending September 30, 2012. Sun-Times Media announced that circulation is up for the Chicago Sun-Times and its regional branded publications, maintaining its position as #1 Chicago daily newspaper and #9 national daily newspaper. Sun-Times Media also announced that Chicago Sun-Times circulation is up every day of the week. This is the second semi-annual report since Sun-Times Media was acquired by investment group, Wrapports, LLC, and represents a full reporting period under the new leadership.
For the six-month reporting period, Sun-Times Media reported total average Monday-Friday circulation of 432,455, representing +11.07 % year-over-year growth, Saturday circulation of 270,834, representing +13.15% year-over-year growth, and 408,677 on Sunday, representing +2.04% year-over-year growth. These numbers include the flagship Chicago Sun-Times newspaper together with its daily and weekly suburban titles across the Chicago region. On a stand-alone basis, Chicago Sun-Times reported a Monday-Friday total circulation of 263,292, representing +11.39% year-over-year growth, Saturday circulation of 238,907, representing +18.28% year-over-year growth, and Sunday circulation of 257,382, representing +10.25% year-over-year growth.
Chicago Sun-Times' growth reflects Sun-Times Media's commitment to its branded publications and its suite of digital products that together serve the local and regional needs of advertisers across the entire Chicago metropolitan region. In the last six months, Wrapports has launched proactive growth initiatives for Sun-Times Media including:
-Acquisition of the Chicago Reader
-Redesign of 32 suburban Pioneer Press titles
-New editorial products:
- Season Pass - live multimedia coverage of high school sports
- Splash - (Sunday publication), Daily Splash (daily column by Chicago notables)
- Cause and Event - happenings in Chicago's civic and charitable communities
- Game Face - fan photo feature in the Chicago Sun-Times sports section
- Preview publications-best local features of the week, in nine suburban communities
-New iPad and mobile products:
- The new Chicago Sun-Times iPad app
- Bears Extra digital magazine for iPad and dynamic mobile app
- Bulls Extra digital magazine for iPad and dynamic mobile app
- Splash digital magazine for iPad
"We are pleased to have demonstrated positive growth in our second consecutive circulation report," said Timothy P. Knight, Chief Executive Officer of Wrapports, LLC. "Sun-Times Media's digital-first approach and editorial team leadership have led to the strengthening of the Sun-Times' core reporting in addition to the development of winning new product lines that are successfully attracting new audiences."
"I am very proud of the stories and other content we're producing across all of our publications," said Jim Kirk, Editor in Chief of Sun-Times Media. "From major exclusives, such as the Jesse Jackson Jr. health situation, to our in-depth, street-level coverage of NATO, we are giving our readers the great local journalism that they have come to expect from the Chicago Sun-Times."