Capstone Management Enhances Skills at Conference

Capstone Management's director of operations discussed the lessons her team members learned at a recent conference. She also shared a few tips for making the most of networking events.

​Industry conferences offer much in the way of development. Select team members from Capstone Management recently returned from a conference that helped them sharpen some of their vital skills. “Our team returned from the event freshly energized and ready to take on new challenges,” stated Stephanie, the firm’s director of operations. “They also brought back a list of new contacts, plus they obtained valuable insights into market research and customer engagement.”

Leaders at Capstone Management know how crucial it is to have strong business relationships in a competitive industry. The director remarked, “We want our team members to be comfortable forging connections with new people. When it comes to honing your networking skills, there are few better options than an industry conference. I was proud of the way our team established new relationships at the event. I am sure they will pay off for our firm in the near future.”

"Our team returned from the event freshly energized and ready to take on new challenges,"

Stephanie, Director of Operations

Stephanie also recognized that her team members took advantage of the learning opportunities available at the conference. “There were so many great sessions,” she noted. “Our associates learned new concepts which covered a range of topics. They also shared best practices with high achievers from across the country.”

Capstone Management’s Director of Operations Offers Networking Advice

“You have to be prepared if you want to maximize your opportunities at a networking event,” Stephanie commented. “I always offer a few words of advice to our team members before they leave for a conference or other industry gathering so they don’t become overwhelmed.”

One thing that the director advises her team members to do is create a list of prospects before the event begins. “Simply taking the time to check the attendee list ahead of time will enable you to develop a networking strategy. That way, you will be able to avoid wandering aimlessly through a crowded event hall.”

Stephanie also urges each member of the Capstone Management team to practice a 30-second networking speech. “Being able to make an effective elevator pitch is important for any professional,” she said. “In a networking context, it’s especially vital. When you only have a minute or two to connect, you must be able to share relevant and unique information about yourself. I tell our people to practice their pitches ahead of time and to make sure they have a clever introduction that will make a lasting impression on the people they meet.”

About Capstone Management

Capstone Management is a performance-based provider of innovative promotions that effectively drive brands into new markets. With comprehensive consumer analysis and unique channels of communication, the firm’s brand ambassadors significantly enhance visibility and develop rich connections with existing and potential customers. The Capstone Management’s history of success and reputable flexibility has allowed its team members to serve a diverse mix of businesses. A dedication to integrity and other core values has set these professionals apart from their competition, and they have positioned the company for ongoing expansion far into the future. To find out more about how they transform brands into pillars of excellence, visit