Candy Chamberlin's New Book 'What Limits?' is a Promising Tale That Explores the Possibilities of Preexisting Greater Wonders of the Brain

Fulton Books author Candy Chamberlin, an excellent writer, has completed her most recent book "What Limits?": an enthralling sci-fi tale that follows Sara as she was hurled into an extraordinary adventure that will change her life. Here, she encounters a new set of abilities and a new set of friends who are equally special. Will she discover what she is looking for as she is pulled into these unexpected journeys?

Chamberlin shares, "Amazing telepathy, healing powers, meeting with beings of fantasy, and even other dimensions—these are experiences that Sara did not dream would become part of her life when she signed up for the experiment with the mysterious corporation. Her life has become extraordinary and exciting.

She races to determine who is trying to get her cooperation for his own unsavory agenda. He is invading her thoughts, uninvited and unwanted. Grant, the mysterious man of the corporation, who has been her mentor, is being pursued. Can her new skills help her to help him? And gorgeous Mark is also mysterious. She does not want him to be one of the bad guys, but he very well could be. She has to keep her emotions separate and make good decisions, or people could get hurt.

With the help of her new telepathic friends, Malcolm, Jake, and Vox, she doesn't feel so alone. The fact that Malcolm is very young, Jake is very old, and Vox is, well, Vox is a dog, does make for some interesting input. Join Sara as she stumbles through learning who she can be and helping others to grow as she faces a new world with new challenges."

Published by Fulton Books, Candy Chamberlin's book interests the readers into an unpredictable journey of a girl who acquires abilities beyond human capacity after going through an experiment. She is then faced with sudden choices and a mission that will test her character throughout dimensions.

Readers will definitely enjoy the action and the suspense embedded in these pages.

Readers who wish to experience this thrilling work can purchase "What Limits?" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books