Call for Fashion Designers, Jewelers, Photography and Cinematography Equipment Manufacturers, Musicians and Models to be Featured in Upcoming Fashion and Photography Television Series

Richard Scudder announces opportunity for fashion designers, musicians, models, and cinematography and still photography equipment manufacturers to be featured in the first three episodes of his new high fashion and photography television series.

Los Angeles, CA - Richard Scudder, known in Hollywood for his vast catalog of work as a top still photographer in the motion picture and entertainment industry, today announced an opportunity for fashion designers, jewelers, models and film and photography equipment companies to be featured in the first three episodes of his new high fashion and photography television series, premiering on a major television network in early 2010. While details such as series title, television network and first air date for this initial thirteen episode season are not being released to the public at this time, it can be announced that Scudder's series will involve high end fashion and photography.

"I truly believe in supporting up and coming talent as well as cinematography and still photography manufacturers that allow me to keep producing top quality results. In supporting these groups of people and business entities, I'm offering an opportunity for them to garner exposure by being involved in the production of the first three episodes of my television series," said Scudder. "For models, they can gain exposure outside of the still photography world and bulk up their resumes. For fashion designers and jewelers, I'd not only like to feature their collections, but also give the designers themselves a cameo, possibly showing how their looks are meant to be worn. Musicians and their music will be shown and heard in conjunction with photo shoots. Photography and film equipment companies will have their brands both on screen and in still photos. I'll be using their equipment on the show and still photos will also be taken of all the on-set action."

Information for consideration is below.
Deadline for all submissions for the production of the first 3 episodes of the series is November 7, 2009.

Models who wish to be considered must have industry standard runway and swimwear measurements and be free of tattoos. To apply, models should submit current photos, comp cards and contact information to:
Phone calls are strongly discouraged.

Fashion Designers
Fashion designers who wish to be considered should submit their portfolios to the email address above. The portfolio should include: biography, personal details, contact information, and 10 looks (1 photo of each to be considered including description).
Phone calls are strongly discouraged.

Musicians who wish to be considered should submit their portfolios to the email address above. The portfolio should include: biography, personal details, contact information, and 5 songs.
Phone calls are strongly discouraged.

Jewelers interested in featuring their biggest and most luxurious pieces are encouraged to have their own security team handle the transportation, monitoring and all other relevant security care.
Please call 323-252-0966.

Still Photography and Cinematography Equipment Manufacturers
Please call 323-252-0966.

Media contact:
Brianna McKinney
Penman PR

About Richard Scudder
