Business Services Provider AstraQom Canada's Choice of Paymentus Maximizes Choice and Security

AstraQom Canada, a multi-lingual web presence and telecommunications service provider, launched a new payment system Paymentus, a total bill-pay relationship management system. The addition provides customers more flexibility in payment choices.

AstraQom Canada, a multi-lingual web presence and telecommunications service provider, launched a new payment system Paymentus, a total bill-pay relationship management system. The addition provides customers more flexibility in choosing payment forms and methods of payment. Choices include payment with Visa or Master Card credit cards. Customers will now be able to make payments directly on AstraQom Canada's website, on phone with an AstraQom Canada's agent, or on AstraQom's automated telephone payment system.

The Paymentus online payment system, "a 2011 Deloitte Top 100 Fast Growing Companies in the Americas" list winner, empowers AstraQom Canada customers to make payments via online, live agent, or automated telephone payment system; meet FCAC (Financial Consumer Agency of Canada), Tier 1 PCI and FDCPA compliance requirements; and keep collection software regularly, accurately and reliably updated. The online payment system will help to increase AstraQom Canada customers' adoption of self-service and electronic payments. The platform saves time for customers, reduces revenue management and collections' cost, gives more autonomy to customers, and encourages a more enjoyable payment experience.

"AstraQom Canada will continue to offer other payment options for customers such as bank wire transfer, Paypal and checks, but this latest decision to use Paymentus is all about our customers. We aim to help them save time and increase opportunities. We pro-actively search for ways to be nimble and ahead of the technology curve for their benefit. The multi-channel bill payment options, customer self-service portals, outbound communication management tools, and electronic presentment options make a seamless unified solution. Legacy systems of the past and of many of Paymentus's competitors force inflexible, archaic processes on modern bill-pay systems. Paymentus understands our requirements and also our customers' requirements," said Jonathan Sowah, CEO of AstraQom Canada. "It is no surprise that other respected companies such as Hydro Ottawa choose Paymentus also."

AstraQom Canada would like to share a comment of another Paymentus client, the City of Memphis, Tennessee Treasury Department, with their permission. Pat Black the City of Memphis, Tennessee Treasury Department spokesman said, "Implementation is quick, seamless, and cost us nothing. Partnering with Paymentus reduced costs for residents by 66% in one year. I tell residents, they can either: write a check, pay for postage, mail the payment and wait for it to be received, or pay online for about the same total cost, and receive instant confirmation that we've received their payment!"

With Paymentus in place, AstraQom Canada agrees with the City of Memphis Treasury Department. The fast-growing technology business is able to make changes as needed directly within the collection software which is in a secure cloud. The changes are reflected in real-time over the web. Paymentus system is equipped even with a fully-integrated red-flag identity theft protection, a feature very important to AstraQom Canada and its customers. The online payment system assists AstraQom Canada to reduce costs and pass the savings to customers, expand business opportunities, and stay on top of the steadily increasing complex compliance environment.

About AstraQom Canada
AstraQom Canada is an innovative, cloud-based web presence and telecommunications service provider. Its vision is to make next generation communication and other services easy to access, cost-effective, scalable and widely available to the business community. The company employs expert technicians and support staff who are passionate about creating the ultimate solution based on each customer's unique needs. Visit and make contact at 1-613-699-8080 or 1-888-99-TELECOM.