Brown Bag Party Acquires Ultimate Nights Romance Home Party Company

Brown Bag Party, the nation's fastest growing Romance Home Party company, has acquired Ultimate Lifestyle which includes Ultimate Nights based in Miami, FL. Their representatives will be joining the thousands of national Brown Bag Party consultant

Brown Bag Party, the nation's fastest growing Romance Home Party company, is pleased to announce that it has acquired Ultimate Lifestyle which includes Ultimate Nights based in Miami, FL.

Peter Palmiotto, owner of Brown Bag Party declared "Michael Love, the founder of Ultimate Nights, has done a tremendous job at building a well-known brand in our industry. We're happy to add his sales team to our growing company."

Ultimate Nights is a 3 year old romance home party company based out of Miami, Florida. By acquiring Ultimate Nights Romance Party, their representatives are now able to join the thousands of representatives of Brown Bag Party throughout the country.

"The opportunity for Brown Bag Party to acquire my company was too good to pass up. With their stellar track record and impressive sales figures, Brown Bag Party is undoubtedly the best company for our reps to be part of," exclaimed Michael Love.

In regards to Brown Bag Party's solid and steady growth, Peter Palmiotto stated "I think this is a true win/win. We add to our consultant base while offering these consultants a pay increase from 40% to 50% virtually overnight. They'll also benefit by utilizing our nationwide network of consultants, training and business building events. Buying like-minded companies has always been a strategic element in our goals for expansion in this marketplace. This purchase is a clear sign of things to come."

Brown Bag Party's acquisition of Ultimate Nights should be completed by July 1st, 2010.