Brandi Nichole Family Enrichment Center Helps Mend the Wounds of Human Trafficking
Arden, NC 28704, August 7, 2014 ( - The Trafficking Victim’s Protection Act of 2000 defines sex trafficking as the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for commercial sex act that is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age.
More simply put, sex trafficking is modern day slavery.
It happens through pimp controlled prostitution and stripping, residential brothels, escort services, fake massage parlors and truck stops. It is young girls, teenagers, and adults being raped up to 30 times a night for the profit of someone else.
This does not just happen overseas. This happens here in the United States. This happens here in Asheville, NC.
When these victims are identified and removed from the trafficking situation, they often have no place to go, no family to return to, and no support system to lean on. They need a family to take them in and to help them walk the long, hard journey to healing.
While reactions vary greatly among survivors, almost all survivors have been traumatized in some way by the abuse. Some have intense behavioral difficulties, some have severe mental illness. Some have long lasting trust issues, some have suicidal thoughts. Survivors of sex trafficking need personalized, individual attention and treatment to re-establish safety and hope for the future.
We believe that the therapeutic foster care setting is the perfect place for a survivor of sex trafficking to be supported and loved while on their path to recovery. It is a cost-efficient way of provided services to this population as well as being the optimal setting for individualized attention, seeing healthy family dynamics modeled, and appropriate social interaction.
Brandi Nichole Family Enrichment Center wants you to join our team. We are looking for families who are willing to provide temporary substitute family care for sex trafficking victims.