Blue Planet Organics Proposes a Solution to Major Skin Issues With Shea Body Butter
San Francisco, Ca. USA, October 30, 2015 ( - Shea and the refined versions Shea nut butter is a natural remedy for many skin imperfections and conditions. It is widely known people use Shea butter for stretch marks because it has natural healing properties that can help reduce scars and skin discolorations. Research says the more natural and unprocessed the Shea butter is, the stronger and more effective it will be. Blue Planet Organics indicated it distributes organic grade A Shea only. The company said it is simple to apply. A user can treat stretch marks by applying Shea butter to the area where the stretch marks are present. It is also recommended to apply the butter before the stretch marks occurs by applying to the general stretch mark area.
Blue Planet Organics African Shea butter is a natural substance that has inherent healing qualities by itself. Blue Planet says it is a natural moisturizer with anti-inflammatory properties. It is used in many skin care products, and is effective at healing or reducing scars and skin discolorations like stretch marks, age spots, acne scars, burns, scars, and wrinkles. Shea butter comes from the nut of an African tree called the Karite. Depending on the region in which the trees are grown, and the time of year when the nuts are harvested, “natural” Shea butter can be any color from nearly white to intense yellow.
There is a difference between raw organic Shea and the refined versions
Neil Byrne, Founder
Blue Planet Organics indicated Shea butter comes in many grades and many forms. The company said the highest quality Shea is Grade A unrefined, and that is the butter Blue Planet produces. Raw Shea butter isn't filtered or processed and contains no additives, so it has natural healing properties that can help reduce and heal stretch marks and other scars. Unrefined Shea butter has been melted and sifted to remove impurities, so it is not nearly as effective as the unrefined raw variety. The refined Shea is found as a product or a main product in major retailers. Blue Planet Organics said that these retailers need to add preservatives to maintain a longer shelf life, so additives like alcohols or parabens are added. Manufacturers of refined Shea butter usually add these preservatives and other chemicals, and will often be treated to remove the naturally strong smell and color. Ultra-refined Shea butter is what is usually found in commercial beauty products and, while it can be an effective moisturizer, most of its healing properties are removed by the refining process.
Shea butter can be found in various grades A,B,C D and E. Grade D and E are usually contaminated and are the lowest quality of the butter. Grades B and C can be found in refined Shea Butter, as there is further processing done to make it more white, and additives to supplement the Shea or remove the natural smell. Grade A is the finest quality of raw Shea butter and it is the grade we provide at Blue Planet Organics.
Blue Planet Organics understands that there are many options when choosing Shea butter for skin imperfections. The company said beauty products that contain refined or ultra-refined Shea butter are the easiest to find, but might not do much to reduce a persons skin issue. The company further said raw Shea butter is the most effective at reducing stretch marks, and it can also be easy to find by typing nettohome on Amazon search. Blue Planet also said refined Shea will cost more since there are additives and costs to refine the Shea butter. The company said a person can learn more by seeing details on Amazon or the company’s website by typing blue planet organics in any search engine. Go to youtube and type blue planet organics in search for our videos.