Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Alex Farnoosh Introduces a Novel Technique to Treat Gummy Smile

The Total Smile

Dr. Alex Farnoosh is a world- renown cosmetic dentist and Beverly Hills periodontist who has numerous publications in dental journals.

A gummy smile can have a negative impact on the facial aesthetics & create an unattractive smile.  Various surgical & non-surgical techniques have been used to correct the gummy smile.  More than 20 years ago, Dr. Farnoosh started treating gummy smile & subsequently developed a surgical method called  “Lip Lowering” to minimize excessive display of gum tissue. Crown lengthening has also been used in certain cases to reduce the abnormal display of gum tissue as long as it does not result in long teeth & interferes with esthetic harmony.

Severe cases of Gummy Smile may require both treatment Lip Lowering in conjunction with crown lengthening especially if the case involves uneven gum line or short teeth.

Traditionally these two techniques need to be done in two phases with time interval between two surgeries. Pre & Post treatment attached.

Dr. Farnoosh has developed a method of treatment in which both procedures can be performed at the same time, therefore eliminating –

a.- The need for 2 surgeries

b.- Waiting time between 2 treatments

c.- Inconvenience for the patient having two surgeries.

He has been successfully utilizing the new treatment method in the past several years to correct gummy smile.

An attractive smile requires three elements:

1.- Pleasant looking  & healthy gums

2.- Beautiful teeth

3.- Properly positioning of the upper lip.

When these 3 elements joined together in an appropriate ratio or proportion, it creates an attractive smile.

For more information, or to make a press inquiry, contact Dr. Farnoosh's office at (310) 657-0503.

Visit The Total Smile 

Source: Dr. Alex Farnoosh

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