Best Selling Authors, CJ and Shelley Hitz Announce the Upcoming Release of Their Newest Book

CJ & Shelley Hitz, co-authors of the Amazon best-seller "Forgiveness Formula", are excited to announce the upcoming release of their newest book, "Unshackled and Free," that is expected to be released in March of this year.

The authors of the Amazon best-seller: "Forgiveness Formula: Finding Lasting Freedom in Christ" have done it again. With the kindle version of their previous book still sitting at number one in all three of its categories on Amazon, CJ and Shelley Hitz are planning the release of their newest project "Unshackled and Free" This book is said to be a compilation of true stories of forgiveness gathered through their website, vi e-mail and just stories that they picked up along the road during their travels.

Their first book, "Forgiveness Formula", received many glowing reviews, including this one from Lori M. of Readers Favorite:
"Authors CJ and Shelley Hitz do a wonderful job of sharing stories from their lives and then addressing the issues presented in those stories with scripture quotes and examples from the Bible. At the end of each section, they provide questions to consider and provide sample prayer suggestions. ... This book delivered -- boy did it ever deliver! ... If you haven't forgiven someone in your life, and you want to learn how to do that, you need to read this book. It'll definitely make a difference on your life."

In an interview, the bestselling authors gave Jesus the glory for their success, saying that they aren't in it for the money, but only to spread the message of the forgiveness that can only be found in Jesus Christ. The husband and wife team currently travel the United States sharing that message wherever they go, living as vagabond evangelists.

With many people awaiting it's release, "Unshackled and Free: True Stories of Forgiveness" is expected to come out in March of this year. Readers can view some of the stories that will be included in the book, as well as submit their own story of forgiveness for consideration at:

About Authors CJ and Shelley Hitz
