Best-Selling Author and Distinguished Speaker to Share Insights on Future Trends in Business

OTTAWA, Ontario, November 28, 2017 ( - Prolific keynote speaker Jack Uldrich will end a busy November with presentations for a top bank in Ottawa, Canada today and a construction-related products distributor in Newport, Rhode Island, on Thursday. He will be speaking to executives on emerging trends and how to "future-proof" their businesses.
Uldrich says: “Every business leader feels it and knows it — the world is changing at an accelerating pace. Business models are shifting, consumer behaviors and preferences are evolving swiftly. In such an environment, it‘s hard to look ahead to the next quarter, let alone the next year. Still, business leaders must position their companies for continued success.”
It is not enough to deeply understand how one technology works. You have to understand how multiple technologies will converge to spin off to create new opportunities. The work I do is all about helping organizations prepare for the coming technological changes so that they can efficiently navigate and determine the course of their future.
Jack Uldrich, Futurist Keynote Speaker
His answer to how to position themselves for success lies in his acronym, AHA. It stands for Awareness, Humility, and Action.
“Organizations must strive to enhance their awareness of changes on the horizon; have enough humility to acknowledge that what served the business well in the past might not be sufficient tomorrow, and they need to be willing to take action in the face of less-than-perfect information,” says Uldrich.
Business leaders are often unwilling to “unlearn” certain things about their industry. “In fact, we may not even realize we have anything to unlearn,” he said. Uldrich believes that the reason so many businesses experience disruption isn’t simply because they didn’t see the change coming; it is because they couldn’t let go of their assumptions soon enough, in other words, they couldn’t unlearn fast enough.
Uldrich suggests: “If you broaden your awareness of the periphery, stay humble about the need to unlearn and become an active thinker, you will come to your ‘A-HA’ moments and better position yourself and your organization for the future.”
In each of his presentations, Uldrich shares specific actions that leaders can take to better “future-proof” their organizations. These actions include finding a “reverse-mentor” to gain a different generational perspective, conducting a “pre-mortem” for your business to spot potential challenges before they happen, and taking a “think week” to focus on the future. These actions are beneficial regardless of what trends and technologies emerge.
A highly sought-after speaker, Uldrich has addressed hundreds of clients in a variety of industries throughout the world, including NAIOP (National Association of Industrial Office Professionals), (SOIR) Society of Industrial and Office Realtors, the Retail Leaders Industry Association (RILA), the Urban Land Institute. Other clients include Blue Cross Blue Shield, The American Medical Association, Wells Fargo, Fiatech, Cisco, IBM, WiPro, PepsiCo, United Healthcare, Boston Scientific and General Electric.
Parties interested in learning more about Jack Uldrich, his books, his blog, or his speaking availability are encouraged to visit his website.
Source: Jack Uldrich & The School of Unlearning