Bageshwar Verma's New Book 'The Democratic Jungle' Offers a Worldview That Suggests Animals Perhaps Can Do a Better Job in Promoting Democracy Than We Humans

Fulton Books author Bageshwar Verma began his journalism career in India where he was born and went to the U.K and the United States to work for global media organizations (the BBC World Service in London and the Voice of America in Washington). 

Bageshwar Verma's most recent book "The Democratic Jungle" is a youthful read that talks about how democracy works in the jungle. It's an illustrated tale for kids that answers many questions kids would want to know - questions like what's democracy; and what does it mean for the masses?

Verma says, "You have seen democratic elections among humans. My story brings democracy among animals living in a South African jungle named the Jungle Paradise. It all started when two animal friends, Jack the Jackal and Freddie the Fox went to a nearby city to buy gifts for their friends during Christmas time. There they saw a lady addressing a huge gathering. Curious to know what was happening, the two friends asked an old man who was sitting on a bench nearby. We will call him the Wise Man, who told the two friends that an election for mayor of the city was a few days away and the lady was a candidate for mayor. 

Surprised at the idea of elections to choose the mayor of the city, the two friends persuaded the Wise Man to come to the Jungle Paradise and explain how to elect a new leader - as the animals living in the Jungle Paradise were very unhappy with the Lion King. 

A large number of animals gathered to discuss ways to hold an election to choose a new leader. The Wise Man explained the qualities of democracy and democratic elections. Several animals, including the Hippo, the Rhino, and the Elephant, expressed their desire to be candidates for the leadership. The first democratic elections took place in this South African jungle under the supervision of the Wise Man and a new leader was elected - that changed the Jungle Paradise forever. Guess who was elected the new king of the jungle?" 

Published by Fulton Books, Bageshwar Verma's fascinating children's book is a great fiction for the youth to read as it introduces to them the concept of democracy in a wonderful, child-friendly, and easy-to-understand way. This is a brilliant avenue for kids to gain knowledge and enjoy a good story, at once. Readers who wish to experience this fantastic work can purchase "The Democratic Jungle" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Walmart, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books