Author Dr. Larry Pate's New Book, 'To Every People From Every People', is a Faith-Based Guide to Planting Reproducing Churches Among Unreached Peoples Around the World

Recent release "To Every People from Every People" from Covenant Books author Dr. Larry Pate is a spiritual roadmap that guides believers to building and sustaining new church communities and spread the good word of God.

Dr. Larry Pate, a well-traveled missionary whose work is known across the globe, has completed his new book, "To Every People from Every People", a faith-based guide to church expansion.

Pate shares, "To Every People from Every People trains people to plant reproducing churches in the mainstream of unreached cultures around the world. There are over two billion people living in over seven thousand such cultures who will never have an adequate chance to know Christ as Lord and Savior unless someone plants churches in the mainstream of their culture and language group. This book teaches clearly and biblically about why that is important. More important, it teaches you how to do it. It focuses on practical subjects like how to learn another language without studying it in a school and how to make an effective strategy. It actually walks you through case studies with illustrations so you can get a mental picture of how to plant reproducing churches in the mainstream of any people group."

Published by Covenant Books, Dr. Larry Pate's new book encourages and inspires those of strong Christian faith to actively participate in efforts to plant reproducing churches in the mainstream of every unreached culture across the globe.

Readers can purchase "To Every People from Every People" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Covenant Books is an international Christian owned and operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work which appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.

Source: Covenant Books

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Covenant Books is an international Christian owned and operated book publisher based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina.

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