Author Dr. Arnold O. Thompson's New Audiobook 'The Death of Wisdom the Rise of Folly: Why We Must Care' is an Examination of the State of Modern-Day Society.

Dr. Arnold O. Thompson, a graduate of the Evangelical Bible Collège and Seminar and founder of Agape Bible Church in Florida, has completed his new audiobook "The Death of Wisdom The Rise of Folly: Why We Must Care": a thought-provoking examination of today's times and the downfall of society that has occurred by moving away from God and Christianity.

"Wisdom is not dead—not yet. But she is getting there. She is riding on a passenger train of time on a collision course with destiny, and we are all in for the ride. This book is about wisdom riding on this train. She is like an unwelcomed guest pulled, pushed, and placed at the back of the train. She once held prominence as adviser to kings and queens and commoners as well. Her advice and counsel brought peace, hope, and prosperity to many. When she flourishes, the people are blessed; even nature rejoices.

"Now they say the train is moving too fast; they say her old rules are too restrictive for modern life; they say her values are out of touch with everyday emerging rights and changing individual claims. They say her values and freedom do not mix. This is the prevailing notion: even as the train now travels through technological tunnels so advanced and controlling, they lay bare any pretensions of perceived individual freedom, values, or privacy values of travelers. With her assistance, time was always filled with potential and hope. Now with her at the back of the train, it is like riding tracks into a black hole of civilization.

"... The wisdom we study in this book—riding the back of this imaginary train of civilization—is being weakened each day we fail to follow her ways. Yet she is never old. She is never outdated. She could not be. She was on this train before anyone stepped in. Indeed, the wisest book ever written said she created the train: 'I, wisdom, was with the Lord when He began His work long before he made anything' (Prov. 8:22 NCV). 'By wisdom, the LORD laid the earth's foundations, by understanding He set the heavens in place' (3:19). This is the space and time where this book begins."

Published by Audiobook Network, author Dr. Arnold O. Thompson's new audiobook is aimed at helping listeners to grow closer and fortify their relationship with God. Through his persuasive writings, Thompson encourages listeners to think freely and consider one's relationship with the modern world and their own individual faith.

Listeners can purchase the audiobook edition of "The Death of Wisdom The Rise of Folly: Why We Must Care" by Dr. Arnold O. Thompson through Audible, the Apple iTunes store, or Amazon. 

Source: Audiobook Network

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