Author Anthony Casperson's New Audiobook 'Hydroponic Spirituality: Thriving in the Depths' is an Examination on How God's Guiding Light Can Inspire Triumph and Growth

Recent audiobook release 'Hydroponic Spirituality: Thriving in the Depths' from Audiobook Network author Anthony Casperson takes a fascinating look at how God's love and wisdom can create spiritual growth from even the darkest environments. As the modern world pulls so many into places of depression and other dark spaces, Casperson shows how God can still lead his followers to thrive there.

Anthony Casperson, a reverend and writer who holds an MDiv from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, has completed his new audiobook "Hydroponic Spirituality: Thriving in the Depths": a potent work that shows what miracles can occur when God's followers look to Him in dark times.

"Rather than focusing on the darkness, the death surrounding us, we should focus on discovering what that purpose of God is for his leading into the valley," writes Casperson. "What is the lesson of growth that we are called to learn in this place of deep sorrow? And once we've found the purpose, we are to thrive in that truth. Is God's purpose to show us wisdom that few have seen before? Then, we should dive deeper with him to the furthest reaches of his beautiful creation. Has God led us to The Depths to teach us to faithfully rely more on him? Then, let's stand firm in his strength. Does God wish to take us out of our stillness that leads to stagnation? Then, let's pursue him in his peaceful currents without hindrance. Is his purpose actually about ridding sin from our lives? Then, let's replace our old habits with new godly ones. Are we to experience sorrow similar to that known by our Savior? Then, let's follow our Shepherd straight to the cross.

"Once we stop looking at the darkness as something to be feared and start looking at our Shepherd who'll protect us, keeping close to him will become easier. When our perspective rests on the one who's powerful enough to protect us, who led us here to begin with, we'll naturally grow closer to him."

Published by Audiobook Network, author Anthony Casperson's new audiobook is a powerful tool for listeners to learn how God's saving grace can pull one out of the depths of despair and sorrow. By using Casperson's work to learn how to thrive in God's love despite feeling stuck in a dark place, listeners can grow closer to God and appreciate His divine plan.

Listeners can purchase the audiobook edition of "Hydroponic Spirituality: Thriving in the Depths" by Anthony Casperson through Audible, the Apple iTunes store, or Amazon. 

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Source: Audiobook Network

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